In a Rut? How to Get ‘Unstuck’

Are you feeling uninspired, unmotivated and in a rut? This might be a rut in relation to health, relationships, career – anything really… To summarize, here are 5 Ways to Get Out of a Rut: Take a break in nature. Take quiet time to assess and do big some big thinking. Turn off electronics and … Continued

Non-Scale Victories

Don’t give up on your healthy efforts and keep the scale in perspective. If you’re frustrated with slow progress, remember that there are other ways to measure progress than just the scale. At the end of the day, it’s all about health even though we all may want to improve our appearance. If we are … Continued

Do You Take Better Care of Your Dog Than Yourself?

Does your dog get better treatment than you? If you’re a responsible pet owner, luckily for your pet, you probably do all kinds of things to keep him healthy. You likely provide nutritious food on the regular. You don’t put your dog on a starvation diet and then binge feed him. You likely ensure that … Continued

Motivation is NOT Enough

Don’t blame yourself for losing motivation.   Motivation is over rated and it’s not even close to enough to helping you reach any goal you set for yourself.   Motivation is NOT the problem.   Let me clear something up before we start talking about motivation, or you lack there of…   Where health is … Continued

The life lesson I learned from my dog.

People mean well.  They really do.  When they advise that what you’re trying to do is “too hard”, they don’t mean to be negative. They’d be horrified to be considered lazy or small minded.  But when we take the easy path we often miss out on wonderful opportunities.  Please don’t be that person.   This … Continued

How to Choose a Coach

If you’re looking for a coach, you need to do a little homework. Here are a few tips: 1. Does the coach ‘walk their walk’? Are they a healthy example? 2. Is there any social proof that the coach has helped others like you? 3. Make sure to check them out on social media, YouTube, … Continued

Are You Action or Entertainment Driven?

It’s easy to get caught up watching TV, You Tube videos or hanging out on social media instead of taking action to improve you health. Even if you’re investigating the latest information on health or fitness – you burn zero calories by watching. Instead of being an information gatherer, be an action taker. Apply the … Continued

Killer Strategy to Stay Motivated

Don’t let the number on the bathroom scale derail you. The scale isn’t the only, or even the best way to measure your progress. If you’ve been on your game with your nutrition, workouts, sleep and stress management, then know that NO MATTER what the scale says, know that you’re making gains. Sometimes it takes … Continued

YES you CAN!

Yes you CAN! Don’t let anyone tell you that you CAN’T do something – particularly where your health is concerned. You can do ANYTHING you want when you put your mind to it. Weight loss, even when you’re over 40 IS possible. It’s important for you to change your mindset towards this. When you have … Continued