Use 35+ Videos to Maximize Fitness Results, Avoid Injury and Learn Precise Exercise Technique from Master Trainer Shawna K

PLUS the ‘Train Smarter Not Harder’ Report That Reveals How to Use the Exercises to Create a Personalized Fitness Plan


Can You Do This? Mobility Test in Menopause

This simple sit & rise test is more challenging that it looks. If you’re unsuccessful at first, try one of the modifications in the video. But definitely practice this move. This sit & rise from the floor skill is associated with all cause mortality. Simply practicing it can help you stay strong over time. … Continued

Healthy Eating

How To Avoid Guilt Throwing Out Food

Of course you don’t want to waste food! But is it better to eat the excess & store it on your waist? Here are two ways I’m learning to be less wasteful: make more appropriate serving sizes give away leftovers True story: often my leftovers get ‘stored’ long enough that they nearly grow legs and … Continued


The Memory Box

Want something more meaningful than a social media yearly recap? A fun tradition that my partner & I do is our ‘memory box’. We jot down the date & a fun memory on a post-it & put it in our box to be opened on New Year’s Eve. As we go thru the post-it notes … Continued

Q and A

Another Reason to Resistance Train in Menopause

Hot flashes? Well, if you need ANOTHER reason to resistance train, here it is… More lean muscle is shown to reduce hot flashes according to this study: How do you get more muscle? Resistance training! With declining estrogen levels in the menopause transition, both bone density and muscle mass declines. Resistance training offsets both … Continued