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Nursing Home Prevention Plan for Menopausal Women

One thing can: Increase insulin sensitivity Keep your metabolism fired up Keep you strong & functional Put the sexy in your jeans And it builds something that you’re losing right now! Unless you’re doing something to prevent it… Without it, you’ll miss out on adventures as you age… Any idea what this fountain of youth … Continued

Healthy Eating

Is This Really High Protein? Here’s a Trick…

Is it really high protein? Here’s a trick to help determine if protein content is high compared to calories Look at the nutrition label Add a zero to the protein value Compare this value to total calories If the value is equal to or greater than total calories, the food has a decent amount of … Continued


Reason You’re Disappointed with Fat Loss Results – Summer Edition

If you’re in holiday mode, manage your weight loss expectations… Not every season is a fat loss season, and that’s OKAY! There’s nothing wrong with maintaining your weight. In fact, if you try to ‘diet’ during your holiday, you’ll most likely be unsuccessful and potentially sabotage what could be memory-making times. You’ll come home thinking … Continued

Q and A

Another Reason to Resistance Train in Menopause

Hot flashes? Well, if you need ANOTHER reason to resistance train, here it is… More lean muscle is shown to reduce hot flashes according to this study: How do you get more muscle? Resistance training! With declining estrogen levels in the menopause transition, both bone density and muscle mass declines. Resistance training offsets both … Continued