Can You Do This? Mobility Test in Menopause

This simple sit & rise test is more challenging that it looks. If you’re unsuccessful at first, try one of the modifications in the video. But definitely practice this move. This sit & rise from the floor skill is associated with all cause mortality. Simply practicing it can help you stay strong over time. … Continued

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate? Taste Test

An unlikely pairing but at 31g protein per serving, it was worth a try! 185 ml bone broth 250 ml 3.25% Fairlife milk 15 ml maple syrup 3 tbsp cocoa powder *BONE broth not just chicken or beef broth Mix together, heat on stove top, low heat. Enjoy! 347 calories: 10.8F 26.3C 30.6P Let’s face … Continued

Is ‘Mediocre’ Exercise Enough in Menopause?

‘Mediocre’ days are common…especially where your exercise is concerned.  Some days you may not be feeling it, you may have no energy and you might even wonder if what you’re doing even counts… I’m here to say it does! It all adds up. Personally, over the years, I can’t tell you how many times I … Continued

What 6 Months of Daily Planking Has Taught Me

It feels good to keep a promise to yourself! Here’s what I’ve learned about planking daily: You can plank anywhere You always can find time to plank Habits get easier the more they’re repeated Sometimes you need to get creative It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks If something is important, you’ll do it even … Continued

Signs You’re Under Eating in Menopause

Here are 5 signs you may be under eating: You don’t seem to eat much and you still can’t seem to LOSE weight. How can you possibly eat less? You tend to GAIN weight overnight. A dinner out, a dessert, a glass of wine – it ends up on the scale the next day and … Continued

Walking Can Save Your Life

Don’t make the mistake of thinking walking is ‘enough’. It is, along with a few weekly sessions of resistance training. Because you want to stay STRONG as you age… YES to all these benefits of a daily walk…It can help you… * Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat * Prevent or manage various … Continued

The Memory Box

Want something more meaningful than a social media yearly recap? A fun tradition that my partner & I do is our ‘memory box’. We jot down the date & a fun memory on a post-it & put it in our box to be opened on New Year’s Eve. As we go thru the post-it notes … Continued

Best Exercise for Menopausal Women?

There’s NO Special Exercises for MENOPAUSAL Women You should be doing: pulling pushing single arm and leg movements mobility balance work plyometrics (jumping) sprinting The difference is in the variations of exercises and intensity of your workouts. Maybe you’re using machines instead of free weights. Maybe you’re sprinting on a rower rather than running on … Continued

Why Do You Have to Lose Weight in Menopause Anyways?

It hit me the other day when I got on the scale & noticed an underlying disappointment that the number wasn’t smaller. What the hell? Why would I think this? Even as a health coach, I have to catch myself falling prey to the idea that I should be leaner & lighter. Has this happened … Continued

Every Day Ways to Improve Leg Strength in Menopause

Here’s the advice I gave my 79yo client to maintain & even develop her leg strength… I reminded her that she squats several times a day, she should use those ‘reps’ to her advantage. Be conscious of S-L-O-W-L-Y lowering your butt to the seat instead of falling into your chair Sometimes practice a butt tap … Continued