Reason You’re Disappointed with Fat Loss Results – Summer Edition

If you’re in holiday mode, manage your weight loss expectations… Not every season is a fat loss season, and that’s OKAY! There’s nothing wrong with maintaining your weight. In fact, if you try to ‘diet’ during your holiday, you’ll most likely be unsuccessful and potentially sabotage what could be memory-making times. You’ll come home thinking … Continued

Amanda Explains How She Lost 40lbs

Fat loss takes a LONG time. But a year is going to pass anyways. What if you could lose fat and enjoy yourself along the way? Like regularly having Friday night pizza with the family? And enjoy birthday and other celebrations without feeling deprived? And KNOW that the weight lost will NEVER be ‘found’ again … Continued

Nursing Home Prevention Plan for Menopausal Women

One thing can: Increase insulin sensitivity Keep your metabolism fired up Keep you strong & functional Put the sexy in your jeans And it builds something that you’re losing right now! Unless you’re doing something to prevent it… Without it, you’ll miss out on adventures as you age… Any idea what this fountain of youth … Continued

Easy Solution to Keep a Habit in Place

If you’re someone who enjoys checking off a box or crossing off a list, this challenge is for you! Summer can be a time where good habits just seem to fly out the window. This simple challenge can help you keep things a little more on track. It’s called ‘Don’t Break the Streak‘. For me, … Continued

How to Change Your Body Composition At Your DESK

A worthy goal is simply to sit LESS. You can combine outdoor walking (when possible) with indoor walking to bump up NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). An added benefit is a reduction in the midday slump, and who doesn’t want more energy? The cost of a walking pad over the course of a year is about … Continued

Unusual Knee Pain Solution for Menopausal Women

Don’t walk outside outside to start! But there’s many benefits to backward walking including: Can reduce knee pain & muscle tightness Works glutes Stretches hip flexors Can relieve back pain Can increase balance Here are some recommendations: Start slow Begin on a treadmill or walking pad Bring a forward walking buddy if outside Work up … Continued