Getting Results?

Are you getting the results that you’re looking for with your training program? Do you even have a training program? Where do you even begin to get going on your own? Here’s the thing, let me give you an analogy… I hate financial planning. I know that it’s not rocket science, but it bores me … Continued

10 Ways to Get Your Head in the Fitness Game

As the year draws to a close, many of you will be thinking of how you can commit to your fitness and fat loss program more diligently. I wanted to provide you with some strategies. As it turns out, if you set yourself up for success by getting your head in the game, the chances … Continued

Mistakes That Make You Fat

Are you making any of these 5 Major Mistakes that thicken your waist? Long boring cardio sessions that burn away muscle and slow your metabolism down? I can’t stress the need for HIIT (high intensity interval training) for fat burning. It not only takes you a fraction of the time, but you’ll alleviate boredom as … Continued

Last Call, 3 spots left (hurry)

I had a feeling I was going to get a bunch of people who were interested in my new 14 Day Fat Flush  program, but I had no idea it was going to sell out in only two days. I originally had 15 spots open, and since the email this past Wednesday I only have … Continued

Win a Spot in Shawna 24/7

Have you heard about my successful program called Shawna 24/7? You’ll be hearing more about it in the future as I’ll be running it again January 2011. How would you like a trainer around the clock? Me in your back pocket to help you meet your fitness and fat loss goals? How would you like … Continued

Something to Think About…

1. Smile, you’d be surprised how it can cheer you up. 2. Take 10 minutes daily  to sit and reflect. 3. As you start your day, say to yourself, “Today I’m thankful for ________“ and also  “my purpose is to ________today”. 4. Eat close the to the earth, that is, plant foods, not foods made … Continued

Fitness Magic Bullet?

Are you tempted by products that claim to help you: “lose 10lbs in one week” “6 days to 6 pack abs” “30lbs in 30 days with our shake program” etc etc Are you kidding me? I just want to say that there are many fitness trainers out there that will even flog these sorts of … Continued

10 Psychological Keys to Maintaining Your Commitment to Exercise

Epiphany: exercise for health, weight loss and to feel great. Has this occurred to you? I’m passionate about helping you succeed and so I thought it important to ‘set the stage’  to increase your chances. Once you read these ten points, I’m sure you’ll agree that some even sound like common sense, but they can … Continued

Female Fat Loss Over 40 (Is Possible!!)

As you know, my passion is to help  you as much as possible. I know that fitness and fat loss is likely your goal  and you sometimes feel a bit hopeless. I sometimes wonder what good I’m doing behind this laptop, pounding out email after email and blog post after blog post. So, sometimes I … Continued

Female Fat Loss Over 40 Top Tips

Here’s my pal and fitness expert from Edmonton, Jason Mathews, interviewing me on my top tips for women in their 40’s. I’d like to say that women of all ages can benefit from these tips. Those in their 20’s and 30’s are going to have less issues with weight gain and menopausal symptoms if they … Continued