Reduce Your Waist with This Simple Stretch

I lied. This stretch alone won’t reduce your waist. But better posture will make your waist look smaller! If you sit at a desk, sit behind the wheel or are bent over your phone a lot, you likely have slouched shoulders, tight chest muscles and forward head lean. This stretch will: Improve posture Improve flexibility … Continued

Want a Stronger Back?

Want a stronger back? If you’re doing DB rows, you may just be using the arms and not engaging the back muscles at all. Instead, brace yourself, pull the shoulder blade in towards the spine to engage your back. Think about moving the DB up without bending your arm at first. Then pull the DB … Continued

4 Ways to Increase Intensity in Your Workout

You don’t need tonnes of weight or equipment to make your workout more challenging. Here are 4 ways to make your workout harder, without breaking the bank or hogging all the gym equipment: 1. Vary rep tempo – There are a number of combinations of rep tempo; you can increase intensity by changing the rep … Continued

Back Pain When Squatting?

Do you have back pain when squatting? You might be making this common squat mistake… Your head controls the spine, so when you drop the chin your chest falls forward & you load the lower back. Instead, focus your eyes where the wall & ceiling meet. This will keep the head & chest high putting … Continued

Friendly Reminder About Exercise

Don’t exercise to lose weight. Exercise is for FUN & FUNCTION. Your nutrition is the driver of the bus of weight loss. Our generation was raised to think we could sweat off the pounds. It’s time to change that thinking around. Instead, exercise to: Build strength Build muscle Fight disease Improve bone density Improve joint … Continued

Ever Hear of ‘Movement Snacks’?

Ever hear of ‘movement snacks’? If you don’t have dedicated time for a workout, fit in ‘movement snacks’ through the day. Things like 5 push ups every time you enter a room or 10 squats each time you use the bathroom. The idea is to move and challenge your body in various ranges of motion. … Continued

Build a Better Push Up

Try this tip for a stronger push up. The strengthening portion of the movement is lowering your body to the floor. This is called the ‘eccentric’ contraction. Try a ‘hand release push up’: Slowly lower your chest to deck Lift your hands off the ground Get back into a plank position anyway you can. Repeat! … Continued

Fix Your Plank for a Stronger Core

Put your a$$ into it! Seriously, the key to a strong plank and push up position is to tighten your glutes. Pull your belly button into your spine. This will increase your core strength and protect your back. If you want to have a coach help you in REAL time, train with my team and … Continued

Get a Stronger Core in 3 Minutes

Get a stronger core in 3 minutes a day by doing 30 seconds to 1 minute of these simple moves: dead bug hollow hold bird dog on each side Think ‘all or something’ where fitness is concerned. If you don’t have time for a full workout, do your body a favor by doing just a … Continued

Unusual Way to Get a Smaller Waist

Want a smaller waist? Build a bigger back. Building your back muscles will not only keep you functional and injury free… It will make your waist look smaller by comparison. It’s easy to overlook back training simply because we don’t ‘see’ our back when we look in the mirror. DB rows and any kind of … Continued