Sally Up Workout

Here’s a fun idea… Listen to this song, it’s just over 3 minutes of quad burning fun. Every time you hear ‘Bring Sally Down’ squat and hold until you hear ‘Bring Sally Up’. You can see a sample of the workout here: Let me know how your quads feel after that 😉 Try it first … Continued

The Unsung Kettle Bell

It’s easily the exercise that folks mess up the most… What is it?         The kettlebell swing. Many are intimidated by the kettle bell swing, it’s a fairly simple move once you get it, but it can be a tough one to master. It can cause back pain and it will minimize … Continued

Back Fat Workout Solution for Her

It’s been long established in the fitness industry that “spot reduction” of body fat is just not possible. Countless hours of sit-ups will not change your belly fat and multiple donkey kicks won’t actually slim your butt. Well, time flows and research looks at all kinds of interesting things, and recent studies indicate that there … Continued

Best Workout Warm Up Ever

It’s the BEST way to boost work out performance AND avoid injury. It’s not particularly sexy, but it works. I recently got a request to share how I warm up, what I advocate for my fitness boot campers and suggest for my online clients. Below you’ll see a sample of a warm up: Here’s the … Continued

Back Fat Workout Solution

Got back fat? Ug. At one time I thought that ‘trouble spot’ training was useless. However, recent studies show that there’s a thermogenic effect from training specific body parts so that you can, in fact, make an impact on a troublesome area. The BEST plan of attack is to pair up body part specific exercises … Continued

Workout Recovery Tips

I did a little survey this week and got this question: How do I  keep the soreness after a workout to a minimum? After I work out it takes me days to recover. It’s true, I notice that as I get older, my recovery time is a little longer. Aches and pains force me to … Continued

Guest Post – A New Approach To Training Your Abs

On a recent trip to Vegas, it was the Mayweather VS Maidana match. While I didn’t go to the fight, there was plenty of press surrounding it, so I couldn’t help but notice how RIPPED these fighters were. The first thing I thought of, is what kind of training, do these guys go through? So, … Continued

Vegas Baby – 10 Minute Workout

I’m in Vegas with some of my favorite fitness folks. Unlike most Vegas trips, this is not a ‘what goes on in Vegas – stays in Vegas‘ type trip. The purpose of this trip is to ‘mastermind’ with the best in the biz. We come here once a year to meet and share strategies on … Continued

Q & A – HIIT and Fat Loss

Amy asked:   I’ve noticed that some fitness experts recommend doing 20 minutes of HIIT 3x a week, while others say to do it every day. What do you and Shawna recommend? Lisa replied:  I receive a lot of emails from women who are confused about the difference between “Intensity” and “High Intensity Interval Training” (HIIT). … Continued

Fix Your Kettlebell Clean

Guest Post  By Forest Vance Level 2 certified Russian KB Instructor Kettlebell Challenge 2.0 The kettlebell clean is possibly the toughest to MASTER of the basic KB drills (“basic” kettlebell exercises being the swing, squat, Turkish get up, clean, press, and snatch). The goal is to clean the ‘bell up from the ground in one … Continued