Why Act Your Age?

Let’s redefine what we should be doing in our 50’s, 60’s and beyond… It’s up to us to make the rules Our mom’s and grandmother’s lived in a different time than us. Let’s set a new age defying positive example for our daughters and granddaughters. We can do so much. Let’s go! Need a little … Continued

Easy Way to Predict Body Fat & Disease Risk

Want an easy, inexpensive, and accurate way to predict body fat and your risk of heart disease and diabetes? Weight or BMI don’t tell the whole story. If you don’t have access to fancy equipment to measure body fat, use the waist to hip ratio test. Measure the smallest part of your waist and divide … Continued

Reduce Your Waist with This Simple Stretch

I lied. This stretch alone won’t reduce your waist. But better posture will make your waist look smaller! If you sit at a desk, sit behind the wheel or are bent over your phone a lot, you likely have slouched shoulders, tight chest muscles and forward head lean. This stretch will: Improve posture Improve flexibility … Continued

Are You a Green Thumb?

Taking care of plants is similar to taking care of yourself. With plants, you just need to be intentional with watering, providing sun and trimming leaves. Just transfer the practice of being intentional with small habits to your own health. Need some support or don’t know where to start? I gotchu. Start by watching the … Continued

Want a Stronger Back?

Want a stronger back? If you’re doing DB rows, you may just be using the arms and not engaging the back muscles at all. Instead, brace yourself, pull the shoulder blade in towards the spine to engage your back. Think about moving the DB up without bending your arm at first. Then pull the DB … Continued


Motion is lotion so rather than sitting out waiting for an injury to heal, find a workout around. There’s almost always ‘something’ that you can do to keep moving. This will keep you in the ‘habit of exercise’. So listen to your body. Work other muscle groups. Rest the injured part or work in whatever … Continued

Should You Diet on Holiday?

Expecting weight loss on your holiday will only ruin your fun & be cause for disappointment. So don’t set yourself up for failure. Here’s a strategy: Weigh yourself before you go. Aim to MAINTAIN your weight within 1-2lbs of your starting weight. ENJOY food while on vacay (but don’t stuff yourself). Stay active on your … Continued

4 Ways to Increase Intensity in Your Workout

You don’t need tonnes of weight or equipment to make your workout more challenging. Here are 4 ways to make your workout harder, without breaking the bank or hogging all the gym equipment: 1. Vary rep tempo – There are a number of combinations of rep tempo; you can increase intensity by changing the rep … Continued

Key to Getting Results

Feelings don’t bring results. You don’t need to ‘feel’ like doing the healthy things like working out or eating healthy foods. You just need to do them. Even if you half a$$ it some days… Doing a little something is better than doing nothing at all. ACTION brings results. Although this is a tough love … Continued

Looking for Recipes?

There’s ONE recipe for ALL my meals… About 25-30g protein Starchy/fibrous carbs Healthy fats Keeping your meals simple 80% of the time will help deliver the fat loss results you’re looking for! Also, you’ll want to focus on anti-inflammatory foods. Here are the top 13: