5 Keys to Fat Loss Results – Even in Menopause

Are you frustrated with what seems like NO progress with your fat loss journey in menopause? Guess what? When you give your body what it needs in terms of nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress reduction – good things will happen – EVEN in menopause. Obviously you need to be armed with the right information – … Continued

Weight Loss, the Laws of Nature & Menopause

  Are you frustrated with what seems like NO progress with your fat loss journey in menopause? Guess what? When you give your body what it needs in terms of nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress reduction – good things will happen – EVEN in menopause. Just like you may wonder if spring is ever going … Continued

Set Achievable Weight Loss Goals – Even in Menopause

The sad reality is that 92% of all fitness resolutions fail…. Want to be part of the 8% that succeed? Read on… Let’s break down why you may fail at your resolutions in the first place and 5 steps to setting better resolutions… Your resolutions fail because you’re setting the bar too high. Set smaller … Continued

Unusual Tip To Help Your Pull Up

This drill will help whether you want to get your 1st, 5th or 10th pull up. In all movements, the strengthening phase is when muscles lengthen. This is the ECCENTRIC phase. So use a chair to stand on to bring yourself to the bar. Slowly lower yourself from the bar to a count of 4 … Continued

Tips for Finding Love After 40?

Are you a card carrying member of the lonely hearts club? I was too. Here’s how I found love after 40 (actually after 50)… I didn’t ‘date’ for 10 years after my divorce, I wasn’t interested in online dating and I wanted time to be the best version of myself. This probably didn’t need to … Continued

Your Weight Doesn’t Matter in Menopause

Here’s a case for daily weighing in menopause… As an analogy, imagine if you wanted to improve your finances, you’d have to look at the amount of money going in and out of your account. The same with body weight… You need to see the trends, not get too hyper focused on daily weight. What … Continued

Hip Replacement #2

Hip replacement number 2 is in the books! Once I decided to do this surgery, I also decided to enjoy the process. For a total joint replacement, it’s relatively quick & painless. It was a tough decision to get it done preemptively before hip pain became severe, but I know it was the right thing … Continued

Need Motivation? Try This…

Don’t wait to ‘feel’ motivated. Feelings come and go. You must take action first. Action, no matter how small, leads to motivation. As soon as you THINK of doing something that will bring you closer to your goals: Going for a walk Drinking more water Food prepping Getting to bed early Whatever! Do it within … Continued

Light Up Your Abs!

Want a sure fire way to target your abs? Put a small ball behind your lower back. Press your belly button into your spine as you press into the ball. Extend arms overhead, without lifting through the ribs. Be prepared for an ‘earthquake’ as arms extend. If you can’t keep your tummy tucked in, lower … Continued

Want to Rock Your Push Ups in Menopause?

Want to rock your push ups, even in menopause? Do an EMOM workout. EMOM stands for ‘every minute on the minute’. Set a timer for one minute intervals for 10 minutes. Do 3 push ups, then rest the remainder of every minute. In 10 minutes, you’ll get 30 perfect push ups when previously you may … Continued