Menopause? Is it Really a Good Life?

Life expectancy for women is 84 years. Age related decline will steal some of your quality of life, no matter how hard you fight back. If you’re 60, like me, you have 24 summers left… What are you doing NOW to ensure that you’ll get the MOST out of what life you have left? If … Continued

Are You Letting Age Define You?

Feeling old? I get it! This is 60 (and for me), parts wear out. This is a 27 second video summarizing the last 2 years of surgery AND the comeback that’s possible… It’s been 2 years since my 1st hip replacement. A year since my 2nd umbilical hernia repair. And 6 months since my 2nd … Continued

How to Plan for the Weekend to Support Your Health Goals

With a little forethought, weekends don’t have to be your undoing. Let the week days do the ‘heavy lifting’ to push your weight loss or health goals. Let the weekends be a time for CONTROLLED fun. Make a PLAN to: See your family & friends Do enjoyable activities Eat your maintenance calories including ‘fun foods’ … Continued

5 Tips To Avoid Weight Gain on Vacation

Don’t plan on ‘dieting’ on your vacation – unless you want to ruin your vacation. Your goal should be weight maintenance. Weigh yourself before you leave, then give yourself a few days post holiday before jumping back on the scale. You’re winning if you’ve stayed within one to two pounds of your pre-vacay weight. Here … Continued

Slow Down Aging with This…

Don’t be afraid to be a beginner… Especially where sport or exercise are concerned. The benefits for healthy aging are so abundantly clear. As I age, I’m going to just keep pushing. I hope you’re doing the same… Is there something you want to do? What are you waiting for? If not now, when? If … Continued

I Was Embarrassed…

Have you ever NOT wanted to post a picture? I struggled with posting this… I had the BEST day kayaking in the sunshine, but I wasn’t happy with how I looked or felt in my bikini. Thankfully at the wise old age of 60, I didn’t let it bother me (until I saw pictures). Side … Continued

Training for Old Age?

You are literally fighting for your life. And spoiler alert: you will lose. We’re all going to die in the end, but you get some choice as to the quality of life you will enjoy before that happens. Think about what you want to be doing in your golden years. And make damn sure you … Continued

No Motivation in Menopause? Try These Easy Strategies

Motivation can hit an all time low in menopause particularly. But you need to remember that motivation comes and goes, these three tips will help you keep moving towards your goals. Motivation follows ACTION, so you’ve got to get going, whether you feel like it or not. Mel Robbins, award winning author of ‘The Five … Continued

Weight Loss Reality in Menopause

That inner voice is killing your results. It’s the reason you feel like giving up. It’s got unrealistic expectations. REALISTIC fat loss is ONE HALF POUND per week, but NOT EVERY WEEK. Know that weight loss is NEVER linear. Your weight will bounce around – check out other posts for other videos explaining all the … Continued

The BEST Transformation

Who doesn’t love a physical transformation? But lasting change comes from mental shifts. Like understanding that small habit changes add up. And that patience & consistency lead to results. Or that ALL foods are fine in moderation. Celebrate those top down mind shift changes because they will lead to lasting physical transformation. Want to shift … Continued