Wanna Lose Your Menopause Belly? Avoid Doing This

Do the ‘one change challenge’ instead of trying to do too much too soon. Pick one thing to change this week… •Drink more water •Get to bed earlier •Add more protein to your meals •Start to move more •Say ‘No!’ more Transformation will come more slowly, but you’ll feel less overwhelm & changes are easier … Continued

Eat in Hiding?

Guilt & shame are often associated with food & this can lead to weight gain. If you experience a lot of guilt with your eating habits, trying an intuitive approach to eating may help more than just your mindset Here are 6 tips to be a more mindful eater… Honor your hunger – Feed your … Continued

Do THIS When You Feel Lazy

Don’t wait to ‘feel motivated’ to move. Just move anyways, do something. Even fit people feel lazy & just want to watch Netflix all day – they just choose not to. Promise yourself to move for 10 minutes. Usually you’ll feel better & finish your workout. But even if you don’t, at least you’ll have … Continued

3 Tips to Lift Your Mood

Feeling down? You can actually change your brain chemistry with these simple tips: 1. Exercise increases natural mood lifting endorphins so get moving. 2. Exposure to sunlight increases the mood boosting hormone serotonin so get outside. 3. McGill University found that upbeat music increases the happy hormones serotonin & dopamine in your brain. Action relieves … Continued

3 ‘Must Have’s’ to Lose Fat

Fat loss is a simple concept once you grasp these three principles. Too often we get caught up in tiny details that don’t really matter. Just create a calorie deficit, find something sustainable & fill up on protein so that you maintain your muscle & don’t want to eat your fist! There are very different … Continued

The Simplest Fat Loss Tip

One degree of change will change the course of your life. Think of a cruise ship, if the captain has the ship one degree off course, it will completely miss it’s destination over time. This is just like you with your health & wellness game. One degree of change can put you off course… For … Continued

Stop Working So Hard If You Want to Lose Weight

Yes, I know that sounds counterproductive, but honestly, you may just be causing hormone imbalances by over stimulating the para-sympathetic nervous system. Your body may be holding onto every ounce of fat because it thinks it’s in a crisis situation and you may need that fat to fight a sabre tooth tiger. We all know … Continued

Should You Weigh Yourself Daily?

How do you feel about your weight? Does the number make you do the happy dance? Or does it make you want to fall in a pit? If you neutralize the number, you can use it to connect the dots between actions & results… If you want a great home workout program to help you … Continued

The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss

Want the secret to permanently dropping that dress size? I’ve got it for you… This is important to know, especially if you’re battling with menopause hormones. Are you ready? –>There’s actually NO secret<– Wait, what? There’s no ONE secret to losing your menopause belly, magically dropping, keeping the weight off… Instead, it’s a series of … Continued

High Achievers Secret to Success

Ready, shoot, aim! You don’t have to know all the answers or have every step dialed in before taking action towards any goal. 😱Do it scared. 👣You’ll never get anywhere standing still, so take a step in the direction of your goal. 💫As you do so, the next step will be revealed. 🤓And the good … Continued