Challenge Yourself!

Do you do the same workout day in and day out? Are you happy with your physique? You need to constantly shake up your routine and challenge your body with new and different workouts. If you do the same thing all the time, you’re going to maintain your fitness level and probably always look the … Continued

Why Do I Need to Buy Good Running Shoes?

I see a lot of women in my boot camps every day. I want them to get more fit, lose fat, get more energy and feel great. All that can happen if they come to camp, do what I say and follow it up with solid nutrition at home. What I HATE is when a … Continued

What’s Up with Running Shoes?

When my son was about 3 or 4 and he’d out grown his shoes, we set off to the store to get new ones. Turns out he’s a typical boy and couldn’t afford to spend more than 5 minutes shopping. He picked up the first pair he spotted, they happened to be pink and purple … Continued

San Diego Countdown

I love San Diego. I loved my most recent trip there and the fact that I could train on the balcony off my room. I loved to see the beauty of the Torrie Pines golf course with the ocean beyond that. It was a great full body workout that I jammed in before a long … Continued

Full Body Count Up!

Need a full body workout to do at home or in the park? This is a great circuit that will hit the legs, upper body and core as well as it has HIIT (high intensity interval training) built right in. You can read the workout and also view the video for more tips as well … Continued

Workout Shoes Need to Work For You!

My colleague and foot expert Sandy Connery was kind enough to share her knowledge regarding proper foot wear, comfort and performance. Take it away Sandy… I’m a big fan of looking good for workouts.  No one is motivated working out in baggy, sweat pants.   I look fantastic in my shorty shorts at 6:30 am lunging … Continued

400 Rep Bathroom Workout

Honestly, you don’t need much to train. You could even do this workout in the bathroom if you needed to. I was recently in Las Vegas and wanted to get in a quick workout before my conference. When I go to conferences there, we’re sequestered in a conference room from nine to six. We have … Continued

Are You Tough Enough?

Tracy provided this killer workout at boot camp a little while ago, and as promised, she sent it my way to pass on to you. Here goes: Take breaks along the way. You can need to complete the total number of reps, but you can break down the items and come back to them to … Continued

Knee Pain and Over 40 Women

My good friend and fellow fitness expert Rick Kaselj interviews me about how to handle knee pain and squatting. You can check out my program at or CLICK HERE. You can check out Rick’s program at or CLICK HERE.

6 Minute Ab Series

Need to hit those abs? Here’s a six minute ab series that you can follow along with to really hit the core. The key to strong abs is to always think about pulling the tummy in towards the spine. In what ever ab move you’re doing, make sure that you don’t let your belly distend … Continued