Lose Boring Cardio – Get A Flat Tummy

This is my friend and mentor Craig Ballantyne. I meet with him and several other amazing fitness pros a few times a year. I work directly with CB (Craig) with my Challenge Workouts program. I’ve learned a ton from him and I’m happy to be able to share my good fortune with you. He’s given … Continued

4 x 4 Finisher

I have no idea who this is…   It looks like someone may be impersonating me at the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas…you know how people get crazy there…yes, I’m sure that’s what it is, an impersonation of the ‘Pull Up Queen’… When I was in Vegas last, I behaved myself and spent my time in … Continued

What’s the Warrior Warm Up?

When I was in Vegas I got to hang out with a friend, Tyler Bramlett. He opened my eyes to some cool things regarding warm ups. I asked him some questions in the interview below and he tells us how he came about creating a cool program…   Naturally I was curious as to how … Continued

4 by 4 Finisher

I was recently in Las Vegas for a conference. I go from time to time and meet with the best of the best in fitness. We have a ton of fun, even if it involves being semi-irreverent. We’ve been known to be asked to leave hotel gyms for video taping or for skipping on the … Continued

12 Minute Challenge

Guess what? Time is short for EVERYONE, but it’s not a reason to skip a workout. Recently, I had a crazy day ahead and so I decided to do a 12 minute challenge, it happened to be one from my ‘Boot Camp Challenge Workout’ program. The challenges in the program can be used by trainers … Continued

Pull Up Tips – It’s Okay to Cheat!

  Let me qualify my statement ‘it’s okay to cheat’…. Cheating is okay only under certain circumstances…like if you’re at a bar for example. I have no problem with you (or me) cheating at at bar. In fact, that’s probably one of the best places to cheat because you’re less likely to get hurt at … Continued

Another Challenge?

Yep, we all love a challenge don’t we? As many of you know, I have a rockin’ fitness boot camp here in Calgary. It’s called Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp and if ever anyone is in town and wants to come by for a workout, email me and we’ll see what we can do … Continued

I Dare Ya!

You knew if was coming didn’t you? Dang me and my masochistic ways… Version 4 of the OMG Push Pull Burp! workout. It came to me as I was doing version 3 from this post, as if that one wasn’t bad enough… Here’s version 3: 1 burpee push up to 1 pull up 2 burpees … Continued

What is ‘Ripped in 42’?

I like to introduce you to all my fitness friends and show you what they’re doing with their clients. Meet my Canadian friend, Rob King who’s getting some amazing results with a program called ‘Ripped in 42‘….     Hey, Rob King with Rippedin42  here,  first of all I want to thank Shawna for giving … Continued