(The Worst) Exercises for Your Shoulders

We all experience pain from time to time. I have many clients that have shoulder pain, myself included. I’m here to say that shoulder pain is NO fun. My daughter was a wrestler who she had hyper-mobile shoulders (oops, I shouldn’t have passed that one down to her). This is NOT great for a wrestler … Continued

Q and A Oct 12, 2012

Question: What can I do to help my shoulder pain and still do pull ups? Answer: I went to my ‘go to’ exercise for injury guy, Rick Kaselj to answer this question for me. He made a video for starters: Basically, Rick suggests doing a vertical hanging exercise to create more space within the shoulder … Continued

Calling all (KB) Virgins

I’m a virgin. A kettlebell virgin that is… But I’ve always wanted to learn about kettlebells and how to use them effectively and safely. I struggled at first with what to do with a kettle bell 😉 So, I went to my pal, Chris Lopez who knows all about kettlebells and how to use them. … Continued

Kettlebell Swings better than Squats?

I recently came across this study and I went to my friend and fellow awesome Canadian, Chris Lopez to provide us with his insights. Here’s the study and his take on it…. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Dec 28. MECHANICAL DEMANDS OF KETTLEBELL SWING EXERCISE. Lake JP, Lauder MA. Researchers compared the mechanical demands of … Continued

25 Minute Meltdown

I have my home gym set up so when I’m  a weather weeny I can train at home. I love this option, plus it’s easier to set up a camera and get you a workout on the fly. Aaand, I live in Calgary, AB, where weather can be pretty extreme at times. It was sort … Continued

What to Do with a Kettle Bell?

So I got myself a kettle bell…now what?                 I’ve got to figure out something and will keep you posted…;) Head HERE for a cool workout and video demo…        

My Rant: Your Heart

How’s your heart? What are YOU doing to help it? Maybe I should put the fear of God in you first with some disturbing facts… 1) Heart disease kills more women than ALL cancers combined. 2) Four (4) percent of women are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, whereas Forty-Four (44) percent of women are diagnosed … Continued

Only for the Ladies…

I have a confession… I get many ladies that email me that they aren’t the pull up rock stars that they want to be. Now granted, there are those of you that rock the pull up bar like nobody’s business, but honestly, you’re in the minority. My goal is to get all the chicks up … Continued

Want an Extra Fat Burning Edge?

You know it takes 21 days for form a habit right? Even a fat burning habit… I have a 21 Day Body Sculpt bonus for you to help you get into the fat burning, muscle toning habit. You’ll get it, along with a ‘mix and match’ meal plan to help you get into your nice … Continued

Your Workout: Intensity Versus Duration

Fat loss in 30 minutes? How does that work? Don’t you have to work a lot longer than that? Old school thinking would have you on a treadmill or stationary bike for hours. I used to do it myself. In the 80’s (yes, I’m dating myself I know). I used to complete in bodybuilding and … Continued