Can you spot what’s wrong with the picture below?

Did you find it? Let me help you out.
I see people doing this all the time and over time this will lead to a shoulder problem, this I”m certain of.
What he’s doing wrong is called the “shoulder tuck“.
Rick Kaselj, MS who is demonstrating the incorrect finish (on purpose) of Cable Pec Fly above taught me this. A shoulder tuck is when the shoulder joint collapses toward the middle.
When you stand nice and upright, the shoulder is in great centration. But at the end of the cable pec fly exercise a ton of people they will let their shoulder drop a little in and to the middle.
This little collapse puts unnecessary stress and strain on the shoulder. Over time this leads to some serious damage to your rotator cuff.
Looking at the top 4 injuries to the shoulder, the rotator cuff is involved in 3 of them. That’s why you want to make sure you have a healthy and strong rotator cuff.
If You Do The Shoulder Tuck Here’s How To Fix It
1. Next time you do a chest exercise, make sure your chest stays up and does not drop. Dropping your chest leads to shoulder tucking.
2. Keep your head in good alignment and look straight ahead, looking down will drop your head and lead to tucking.
3. Have your hands open in order to decrease stress and tension in the elbow and neck.
4. Move the hands to the middle of the body but have them stop just inside of being in line with the arm pit. Do not let them come together or cross the midline of the body as this leads to the shoulder tuck.
These tips apply to all fly movements….
Use this quick tip to avoid any future shoulder issues. If you have any kind of shoulder pain already I recommend you grab the brand new Fix My Shoulder Pain system.
It’s jam packed full of useful exercises and techniques you can use to stay pain free and training with 100% intensity.
As well, shoot off your receipt to me and I’ll send you my report on how I train to keep my shoulders healthy.