How to Make a Burpee More Fun ;)

I’m happy to report that the New Year’s resolutions that gym goers declared January 1st seem to still be in effect. (At least in my gym anyway). Good for them, bad for me… When I train, I tend to hog a lot of equipment. I managed to do this in my own private gym for … Continued

Secrets to a Lean Physique

What happens at the age of 40? Does metabolism really tank? Why do so many women say that they gain weight that they just can’t let go of after the age of 40? What’s the secret to getting and staying fit in your 40’s and beyond? Below is an interview that I did with my … Continued

Upper Body Challenges

Remember my friend Tyler Bramlett? Tyler introduced the idea of movement progressions here. He has a cool Warrior Warm up here,  an awesome lower body progressive program here and a great ab program here. Tyler is the master at creating workout progressions. If you’re looking for some fun variations for your upper body, let’s start … Continued

17 Minute Fat Burner

How many of you are a slave to the treadmill? Any cardio junkies out there? I would hope that my nagging you to get off the treadmill will start to take. Science is clear that steady state cardio is the LEAST effective method of fat loss. Multiple studies have also shown that High Intensity Training … Continued

Stop Doing Sit Ups and Crunches

Yes, you read correctly. Sit ups and crunches will do little to reveal your abdominal muscles. While most of us aren’t looking for a ‘six pack’, we are looking to get rid of the ‘muffin top’. Doing abdominal exercises alone will do little to help. You want to raise your metabolic rate to burn fat. … Continued

Suspension Training? A Welcome Change

This is my friend, Dan Long. I was visiting Power House Gym in Tampa, Florida. It was Super Bowl weekend and a huge group of us hit the gym before the game. Man it was high energy fun! If you want to go to a gym with super fit people and awesome equipment, Power House … Continued

Tone Your Tummy – Advanced Method

Looking to tone your tummy? Are you up for a challenge? If you want to tighten and tone and really challenge your abs, here’s a great progression. I love the TRX or suspension trainer for many reasons, but one is how it will tone your mid section. Start with a plank… Progress to a tuck…. … Continued

Great Ab Progression

Looking for a challenge? Okay, well maybe not this kinda challenge ====> But if you want to challenge your abs, here’s a great progression. I love the TRX or suspension trainer for core development. You can find great follow along workouts using the suspension trainer here. Start with a plank… Progress to a tuck…. Progress … Continued

Fat Loss Tip and Circuit

What’s the best way to lose fat and improve your pull up power all at once? Here’s a little known fact: Fat burning is improved in the presence of growth hormone. You can naturally increase growth hormone production by increasing lactic acid. Lactic acid is produced when training anaerobically. Here’s the biggest thing to remember: … Continued

Core Training for Better Mobility

My Exercise for Injury Expert pal, Rick Kaselj sent this my way. He was at the Spinal Health & Core Training seminar and filmed the last presenter, Dean Somerset. Rick said that Dean had amazing information when it came to assessing, core training and spinal health from the perspective of a trainer. After three hours … Continued