I’m secretly in love with the Navy SEALS. Not that I know any, but I’ve been reading autobiographical books about them and find them to be real life heroes. You can read my last ‘book report’ on ‘Lone Survivor’ HERE.
You’ll also find a couple of great workout ideas in that post.
Those SEALS are pretty fit, as you can well imagine. In doing some research I found some cool stuff.
I took the PT (physical training) Pyramid idea the SEALS use to create a great workout for you.
Instead of doing pull ups, push ups and sit ups like in the SEAL test, I swapped those out for pull ups, weighted squats, push ups. I used 95 lbs or 75% of my body weight.
Go Up the Pyramid:
-Set/Step 1: 1 pullups/2 weighted squats/3 push ups
– Set/Step 2: 2 pullups/4 weighted squats/6 push ups
– Set/Step 3: 3 pullups/6 weighted squats/9 push ups (Your first few set are basically a warmup)
– Set/Step 4: 4 pullups/8 weighted squats/12 push ups
– Set/Step 5: 5 pullups/10 weighted squats/15 push ups
– Set/Step 6: 6 pullups/12 weighted squats/18 push ups
Go Down the Pyramid: (or reverse order pyramid) -
-Set/Step 5: 5 pullups/10 weighted squats/15 push ups
– Set/Step 4: 4 pullups/8 weighted squats/12 push ups
– Set/Step 3: 3 pullups/6 weighted squats/9 push ups
– Set/Step 2: 2 pullups/4 weighted squats/6 push ups
– Set/Step 1: 1 pullups/2 weighted squats/3 push ups
I took 15:40 to do this workout. I was super frustrated that someone kept stealing my pull up bar so I had to keep running to find a pull up bar for the burpee pull ups. I may have been able to do this workout faster had this not been the case, then again, the running around was less intense than the actual burpee pull ups/squats/push ups so it may have given me an extra 30 seconds of rest here and there 😉
Brutal good times.
Now where’s my Navy SEAL trident?
Get better at pull ups here.