How to Get Your Core Muscles Working

Have you had abdominal trauma or surgery? If so, your core muscles may not even be firing & you need to ‘turn them back on’. Here’s how: •press your back into the floor •find your hip bones & move inward slightly •cough •feel the muscles tighten Now try to keep that muscle tight. Lift one … Continued

Lower Back Pain? Do This…

Your lower back pain could be from a weak core. The ‘hollow hold’ is one of the safest core strengthening moves anyone can do. Make sure you press your lower back into the floor. If you can’t keep your back touching the floor, bend your arms and legs and work up to extending them. Work … Continued

Do You Have Strong Abs?

One way to tell is if you can hold a perfect plank for 2 minutes straight. Here are some tips: BRACE When you do a plank, squeeze your abs as if you were preparing for someone to punch you in the stomach. Then squeeze your glutes, quads, and pull your elbows towards your ribs. This … Continued

Warming Up? DON’T Do This

Stop stretching BEFORE your workout. Static stretching is ineffective since muscles are cold and joints aren’t lubricated. Save the static stretches for the END of your workout once your joints and muscles are warm. Instead, do ‘dynamic’ stretches to get your body ready to exercise. Move your body through ranges of motion to bring blood … Continued

Best Yoga Pose for Menopausal Women

Try this pose for one to 20 min. It will stimulate the ‘para-sympathetic’ or ‘rest & digest’ nervous system to ease all kinds of tension related to menopause & your busy life. It may not help with weight loss, but a calm mind will help you cope & make better decisions related to your health. … Continued

Back Pain? Do This

Your back pain may be caused by weak abdominal muscles, specifically the transverse abdominis. The TA (transverse abdominis) is the deepest muscle layer of your core. Its main roles are to stabilize the trunk and maintain internal abdominal pressure. When your TA is weak, it’s unable to do its job of stabilizing the pelvis and … Continued

Best Exercise for Menopausal Women?

What’s the best exercise for menopausal women? What exercise do you like? While some forms of exercise can be better than others, the most important thing is that you’re doing SOMETHING! If you enjoy what you’re doing, you are more likely to do it on the regular. And consistency is important. Resistance training a minimum … Continued

Got 15 Minutes? Do This Workout

Got 15 minutes? ‘Cindy’ is the name of this ‘do-almost-anywhere-full-body’ workout. Set your timer for 15-20 min & do AMRAP (as many rounds as possible): 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats No pull up bar or can’t do 5 pull ups yet? No problem! Swap in: -5 wall sit stick ups -5 … Continued

How to Lose Weight Without Eating Less

Want to lose weight without eating less? Do you have 15 minutes? Be honest, how much time do you spend on social media or Netflix? If you devoted those 15 min to a daily walk, you can do an additional 1500 steps daily. This could make the difference between being in a calorie deficit or … Continued