One Word Will Make Your Healthier Part 2

You can’t do the same things & expect different results. That’s why saying “yes” to new things is important. It will feel uncomfortable at first. But change often feels uncomfortable. And you never know what results will come unless you try. Are you trying anything new these days? Happy to help you get started. Let’s … Continued

ONE Word Can Improve Your Health

This ONE word can improve your health. “No” You don’t always have to say “No” but sometimes you have to if you want to stay true to your goals. Look, either you’re going to feel uncomfortable to well meaning people tempting you to veer off your health path, or they will. People that respect you … Continued

Favorite Quote to Avoid Overeating

This quote has saved me hundreds of calories of overeating: “Never Starving – Never Stuffed”. Getting too hungry makes it more difficult to make healthy choices. And when starving, you can eat too quickly & overeat. It takes your belly about 20 min to tell your brain that it’s full – so STOP eating before … Continued

Favorite Weekend Day Trip

What’s YOUR favourite thing to do on the weekend? Getting outside in nature does it for us. Luckily we are less than an hour away from the Rocky Mountains. Whether it’s a hike, skiing, kayaking or paddle boarding, we always feel refreshed after a day outside. Sometimes we just stay in the city & walk … Continued

What About Intermittent Fasting?

It’s NOT a fad. But it’s also NOT the Holy Grail of fat loss. There are definitely some benefits and it’s worth a try. Happy to help you navigate the way. Start with my Nutrition Academy or a talk here: Wondering about intermittent fasting?    

Exercise or Nutrition to Lose Your Menopause Belly

Which is more important? If you could only do ONE thing, start with nutrition. It has the greatest impact on health & weight loss. Notice I didn’t say DIET? Make healthy swaps to include more protein & whole unprocessed foods. Create a SLIGHT calorie deficit OR simply increase your step count to increase energy expenditure … Continued

How Much Water Do You Need?

How much water do you need? Divide your body weight in pounds by 2, this is how many ounces you can shoot for daily. ALL liquids (except alcohol) can be added into this count. Coffee (or caffeinated drinks) can have a diuretic effect because caffeine is a smooth muscle relaxant. So if you take in … Continued

When Fad Diets Come Knocking…

Don’t do it! When fad diets come knocking, just slam the door on them. Fad diets are full of empty promises of fast weight lost but fast weight gain almost always follows. Stick with your slow & boring plan of healthy choices full of home made: Protein High quality carbs & fats Less processed foods … Continued

Desk Job? Do These Exercises

Sit at a desk all day long? Here are a few things you can do to offset all that sitting. Ideally, you could do them a few times a day in your office. Your hip flexors get tight & weak so these two variations of the kneeling stretch will help. Raising the same arm will … Continued


Sick of starving? Or the starve & binge cycle? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to eat your favourite foods? And still be able to lose the weight & keep it off? It’s possible. Even in menopause. With no fad diets, pills, powders or potions. It just takes a little know-how and consistent effort. … Continued