Another Challenge?

Yep, we all love a challenge don’t we? As many of you know, I have a rockin’ fitness boot camp here in Calgary. It’s called Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp and if ever anyone is in town and wants to come by for a workout, email me and we’ll see what we can do … Continued

Fashion Flash Sept 17, 2012

My brilliant Fashion Flashers have an eclectic mix of essential information for you. Check out it out HERE. No-Nonsense Beauty blog asks:  When do you switch from growing-up to growing old? Good manners are always in style. Jackie Silver from has the latest “rules” for a modern day beauty straight from the famous Post … Continued

I Dare Ya!

You knew if was coming didn’t you? Dang me and my masochistic ways… Version 4 of the OMG Push Pull Burp! workout. It came to me as I was doing version 3 from this post, as if that one wasn’t bad enough… Here’s version 3: 1 burpee push up to 1 pull up 2 burpees … Continued

Q and A Sept 14, 2012

Hi Shawna, I am a real fan of yours, Craig & Mike and have just started doing your pull up push up challenge program. Have already done some of Craig’s programs and plenty of Mike’s finishers. My question is a simple one … you had a post recently about doing 10 hill runs with 10 … Continued

What is ‘Ripped in 42’?

I like to introduce you to all my fitness friends and show you what they’re doing with their clients. Meet my Canadian friend, Rob King who’s getting some amazing results with a program called ‘Ripped in 42‘….     Hey, Rob King with Rippedin42  here,  first of all I want to thank Shawna for giving … Continued

OMG Push Pull Burp!

I was recently at a meeting of the best of the best fitness minds in Vegas. Although there are many distractions in Vegas, we managed to lock ourselves away in a conference room from 9-5 to help each other help our respective clients. I feel pretty lucky to be able to rub elbows with those … Continued

Guess What?

This blog has NOTHING to do with fitness and fat loss. But I bet you’ll read it.   I have an IPhone, I’m a big fan actually. Any of you that get an email from my IPhone can see the by-line ‘I’m in love’ (with my IPhone) at the end of each email.   I … Continued

Body Weight Meets Pilates

Vegas baby… I spent last weekend with a bunch of fitness pro’s at what we call a ‘Mastermind’. We basically lock ourselves in a conference room from 9-5 and figure out ways we can help you best. But it’s not ALL work… You’re probably waiting for some pictures of me dancing on a table top … Continued

Fashion Flash Sept 10, 2012

Happy Monday!   These wonderful women of our Fashion Flash group have some of the most amazing information – from fashion to fitness, health to beauty and skincare all for women over 40. We’re a group of women dedicated to bringing you the latest in up-to-date information for interests of women over 40.  Take a few … Continued

Q and A Sept 7, 2012

Shawna: My question is about weight lifting… I used to hit the gym every single day about 2 1/2 hrs and I got so slim and fit… Then I had my second child only did exercise  3 times a week for about 1 hr. Now my arms are thicker than they used to be. Are … Continued