Top Pre-workout Meals

I get a lot of questions from people inquiring about good foods to eat pre-workout. As many of you know, eating food before any type of exercise, whether it be weight training or interval-cardio training, is vital in order for you to have an effective workout. Short-changing your body before a workout is much like … Continued

Raid the Fridge!

Here’s a fridge raid that I did with one of my coaching clients: Here’s a few points to summarize my client to healthier eating… Great to have a ton of produce, berries, lettuce Cut back on processed meats – try tuna, salmon or crab instead –nitrates aren’t a good choice If yoiu drink Soy – … Continued

Old Love and a New Workout

Here’s my home gym: I’ve trained at home for about 20 years. It was a great way to ensure I’d get my workouts in even when my babies were, well, babies….I had a whack of custom equipment in not a ton of floor space. Well, as it turns out, babies grow, my oldest just returned … Continued

New Love: The Clean and Press

Being injured is a bummer to say the least, but it does stretch my training creativity. I have to try to find ways to train around an injury, still get an intense workout while not doing further damage to my injury. Sometimes I fail….that is, I aggravate the injury or I don’t get as intense … Continued

Fashion Flash June 18, 2012

I am excited to bring you the best of the best this week for the Fashion Flash Summer Edition…   First up! Pasta anyone? Here are some healthier choices if and when you decide to indulge. In fact, there are even four gluten free varieties.   What’s changing in SPF labeling? Jackie Silver from … Continued

Happy Father’s Day to the Men in Your Life

How many of you are lucky enough to have your Dad in your life today?  I hope many. I wanted to give a shout out to my dad today cuz he’s a super cool guy and I really haven’t given him his due. I got my abs from my Dad Although my dad is old … Continued

Happy Father’s Day!

How many of you are fathers out there? I did a survey of my readers and I was pleasantly surprised to see that 60% of my readers are men aged 40-50. I think it’s cool that I seem to resonate with dudes that are about my age. (It hasn’t helped the dating situation, although it’s … Continued

Raid the Pantry!

What’s in your pantry? Take a look at what my client had in hers and what you can learn from it: Protein supplement – its hard to get enough protein at every meal silluim based fibre – great for women Vitamins – Multi vitamin, Vitamin D & omega 3 Junk in the pantry – MODERATION … Continued

How Bad Do YOU Want It?

You may not be training for a professional team. You may not ever earn your living from athletics. Sure, this message should be applied to your training. But the message here goes beyond athletics. It crosses over to all aspects of life. How bad do YOU want to meet your goals?   I’d be remiss … Continued

Pasta Anyone?

Who doesn’t love pasta?   It’s the kind of food that appeals to pretty much everyone. And those that say they don’t like it must be lying right?   Actually, I almost NEVER eat pasta, but it’s not for lack of liking it. I love it, but my belly does not. Well, actually, my belly … Continued