How to Manage Weight Loss Expectations During Menopause

No one counts this as a big WIN… Did you stay the same weight over covid? Or when you renovated your kitchen? Or when (insert stressful situation here)?… No one counts weight maintenance as a win. But speak to anyone who put on the ‘covid15’ and they would disagree! So instead of beating yourself up … Continued

Unusual Way To Get Motivated?

One of the best ways to make a dramatic improvement in your body and your fitness level is to take a hard look at where you currently stand. If you’re not happy, the key to your success is to be deeply disturbed with your current shape. Why are you still living life in your “before” … Continued

Menopause: What Will You Do With the Time You Have Left?

Would you do things differently if you knew you only had 24 birthdays or Christmas’s or summers left? Have you reverse engineered how much time you have left? It puts things in perspective. The average lifespan for women in Canada is 83.9. I’m going to make the most of my time left. I hope … Continued

Weight Loss, the Laws of Nature & Menopause

  Are you frustrated with what seems like NO progress with your fat loss journey in menopause? Guess what? When you give your body what it needs in terms of nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress reduction – good things will happen – EVEN in menopause. Just like you may wonder if spring is ever going … Continued

Your Weight Doesn’t Matter in Menopause

Here’s a case for daily weighing in menopause… As an analogy, imagine if you wanted to improve your finances, you’d have to look at the amount of money going in and out of your account. The same with body weight… You need to see the trends, not get too hyper focused on daily weight. What … Continued

Need Motivation? Try This…

Don’t wait to ‘feel’ motivated. Feelings come and go. You must take action first. Action, no matter how small, leads to motivation. As soon as you THINK of doing something that will bring you closer to your goals: Going for a walk Drinking more water Food prepping Getting to bed early Whatever! Do it within … Continued

The Scale: Friend or Foe in Menopause?

Want to avoid disappointment when you get on the bathroom scale? BEFORE getting on it, make a mental note of a few of the NON-SCALE VICTORIES you’re seeing from your healthy lifestyle. Maybe you’re feeling stronger or your clothes are fitting better, maybe you’re sleeping more soundly. When if you get on the scale and … Continued

Weight Loss Goal?

Have a weight loss goal? Why not choose a goal that you have more control over the outcome? How about setting a goal related to: -strength -a skill -an adventure A performance goal provides: -a measurable outcome -motivation to achieve the goal –*the happy coincidence is weight loss can often occur in it’s pursuit* Happy … Continued

You Have to Earn It

A fit body can’t be bought. It has to be earned. No matter how much money you’ve got, you can’t go to Ebay or the internet to buy a healthy body. You have to earn it. You have to do the work. Are you doing the work? Don’t know where to start? I can help, … Continued

How to Make an Uncomfortable Habit Stick!

Trying to incorporate an uncomfortable habit? Here’s a strategy: Don’t break the streak! Set a small goal & attainable expectation for yourself. Keep a physical calendar & add a check mark each time you do your ‘uncomfortable’ task. Set the bar LOW but be consistent. Things get less uncomfortable over time! Happy to help with … Continued