One Tweak to Burn More Calories from Your Workout

Can you imagine losing 100+ lbs? Well, that’s what fitness pro and pal, Mike Whitfield did. And he used something he calls ‘workout finishers’ to help him achieve and maintain his weight. I’m thrilled that he was willing to share a few ‘finishers’ with us. Check it out below… From Mike: When I first heard … Continued

Sprint – 50 Burpee Pull Up Challenge

I got this challenge workout in my head and I couldn’t get it out. Why do I do this to myself? I’ve done the pull up challenge, I’ve done the burpee challenge, I’ve even done the 100 burpee pull up challenge, why not do a 50 burpee pull up sprint?           … Continued

3 Exercises to Improve Your Push ups and Pulls ups

Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Does it involve weight loss? I’ve been talking a lot about New Year’s resolution and I thought that a great New Year’s resolutions for you would be to improve your push ups and your pull ups as a way for weight loss instead of just having a weight … Continued

How to Do a Modified Burpee Pull Up

If you’ve been following my blog then you know that I’ve been doing lots and lots of burpees. I love burpees. Then I discovered the burpee pull up. Can it get any better? (Yes! Stay tuned for a one up on the burpee pull up…) I know the burpee and the pull up are really … Continued

Muscle = Sexy

Ladies, I wanted to give you some tips for building a sexy body. For the most part, everything that goes into building a sexy body for a man is pretty much applicable for the ladies. The thing is, I need to do a ‘soft sell’ on the muscle building tips when I speak to women … Continued

Which Way to the Beach?

I took my kids on a pre-Christmas trip to California. Last year we came to Cali and experienced the most rain that the state had received in about 10 years, (thank you very much Mother Nature). Even so, we decided to make what will be an annual trip to California and enjoy better weather.   … Continued

The Best Workout…

Time is tight over the holidays…     Scratch that, time is tight all the time, but especially over the holidays.   And, there’s usually double to triple the amount of opportunity to indulge in excess calories during the holiday season.     I’ve talked about the main thing that makes you fat (insulin) and … Continued

Which Way to the Beach?

Want a real challenge? Go on a holiday with two teenagers…   I have a 14 year-old boy and a 17 year-old girl. If you didn’t already know this, teenage boys love to embarrass their teenage sisters. One effective way to do this is by making farting noises in public. This of course is much … Continued

How to Do 10 Chin Ups

I want to talk about how to get 10 chin ups.   You might go to the chin up bar and get as many as you can and then you just end up failing.     One way to increase your chin ups is to use the lat pull down machine if you have access … Continued

One Legged Burpee Circuit

It turns out I’m sorta fickle…   I hate to say it, but the burpee has lost just a little of his pizazz….       Sure, he still makes me weak at the knees and outta breath, but since adding 50 burpees a day into my workout for a few weeks now, I’m getting … Continued