Airport Stir Crazy Workout

I’ve done it before, here and here, you knew I’d do it again. I had a long day of travel and knew that I’d climb the walls if I didn’t do something. I was already at the end of my proverbial rope when I was faced with a long delay between flights. This was after … Continued

Airport Challenge

I’m just a crazy woman with a skipping rope. I typically have a case of ‘ants in the pants’ while traveling and do my best to book direct flights or ones with short layovers. It doesn’t always work out that way. I should have known that my day would be ‘extra special’ when I was … Continued

Why You Should Train Like a Fighter….

Meet Chad Howse. Chad has a unique look on fitness. His site, dubbed, Be Legendary. Unconventional Tactics for Life, Fitness, & Work. gives his readers unique training and nutrition tips that set him apart from most fitness pro’s. I’ve asked him to share some of these tips with us, and, judging by the title of … Continued

Can you Out Train a Bad Diet?

The truth behind carbs is that you CAN still eat them and drop pounds of fat. (Keep reading for a sample workout to do just that.) In fact, you can drop MORE fat while STILL eating carbs. Now obviously, a long term approach and overall health should be on your mind, but let’s face it. … Continued

Are You Fit Enough to Be a Marine?

Good news….well, I think it is anyway… Recently, I read that according to USA Today and several other sources, female Marines soon will be required to perform pull-ups, just like male Marines do, as part of their annual physical fitness tests. The physical fitness test is one of two strength and endurance evaluations all personnel … Continued

Density Finisher

Look at what this study revealed: Canadian researchers (gotta love the Canucks!) at Queen’s University tested a Bodyweight Finisher style workout against long cardio. (Reference: Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012 Sep 20.) 22 college-aged women did 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks in one of three groups. Group A did 30 minutes of treadmill running at … Continued

Pull Up Anywhere…

Listen, don’t tell me that you can’t do pull ups because you have ‘no pull up bar’. I consider pull ups a bodyweight exercise and sometimes it takes some creativity to find a spot to get them done. I’m no stranger to hanging from the rafters….Luckily for me, I’m not too heavy because I can … Continued

Boost Your Metabolism – 3 Ways

Are you looking for a simple way to boost your metabolism? Click on this link to see the first way to boost your metabolism…you’re going to learn all about when the best time to eat is to enhance your metabolism and calorie burning potential. A second and more POWERFUL way to boost your metabolism is … Continued

Sweaty Six Times Five Back Workout

Sometimes it’s just good to train fast. We all have busy lives, and when I know I only have 30-35 minutes to train, I’ll throw a workout together in my head and then just get it done. Most times I’ll use my Gym boss timer, but in the case that I’ve forgotten it, I’ll count … Continued

Pull Up Squat Up Burpee Up

I came across a great challenge in Men’s Fitness Magazine. It was developed by Jay Cardiello. I think it’s well worth it to share it with you and give you the challenge to do this challenge described below. It’s really 8 minutes of hell. After I saw this challenge I knew that I had to … Continued