Pull Up Box Jump Challenge

Saying good bye is tough. I sent my Dad off yesterday morning in -25C weather. He had an 8 hour drive home to BC, but I think I thoroughly tired him out. Thanks to my good ole pops, my kitchen is looking pretty good if I do say so myself: Waiting on the counter top, … Continued

Wrist Pain Solution

Do you experience wrist pain? Especially when you do push ups, mountain climbers or burpees? If you have wrist pain when your hand is in an extended position, here’s my good friend Rick Kaselj with some tips for you: First up, you can do some self massage with a tennis ball. Roll the ball against … Continued

Get Off the Treadmill Workout

  Get off the treadmill and try this fat burning workout: This workout can be done in AMRAP fashion. This is just fancy talk for ‘as many rounds as possible’. This is a great alternative to a workout on the treadmill. The treadmill and other cardio machines that you use for steady state cardio do … Continued

Should You Buy Home Workout Revolution?

Are you too busy to get to the gym at times? Do you lack motivation and direction with your workouts? Would you like someone to spoon feed you fat burning, challenging workouts that are quick and require no equipment? Workouts that you can do at home or in a hotel room, at the in-laws or … Continued

Should You Get Home Workout Revolution?

Are you too busy to get to the gym? Do you lack motivation and direction with your workouts? Would you like someone to spoon feed you fat burning, challenging workouts that are quick and require no equipment? Workouts that you can do at home or in a hotel room, at the in-laws or where ever … Continued

Pull Up Tips and a Workout

This has nothing to do with pull ups…but is my latest challenge: Constant postings of puppies, long faces and pleads. My will power is growing thin, but I haven’t given in (yet)…on with the post now: How are your pull ups coming along? I’ve got some tips for you in this video below. You’ll see … Continued

Pull Up Tip #1 Scapular Retraction

Scap what? Scapular retraction is really important to be able to master the pull up. This is really just fancy talk for ‘squeezing your shoulder blades together’. Most people try to pull up with just their arms and then they internally rotate the shoulders to get no where on their pull up. By learning to … Continued

Warrior Abs Workout Video

Are you tired of your ab routine? Want washboard abs, but what you’re doing isn’t working? My friend Tyler is great at creating movement progressions and now he’s done it for an ab program. Since Tyler is hellbent on spreading the word of his unique PM3 Method he wants nothing more then to share his … Continued

The Big Ab Mistake – Is ‘More’ Better?

Is ‘more’ better? I ALWAYS get people requesting more, More,  MORE!  when it comes to ab training. For some reason, people seem to think that doing more is better. Doing more core work will flatten their bellies, reduce back pain, give them a six pack, create world peace…(well maybe not quite that far…). The reasoning … Continued

Abs Four Sure Ab Finisher

I spent the weekend in Miami with a bunch of cool friends, including Mr Finisher, Mike Whitfield. We got asked to leave from a few places…not for being drunk and disorderly or anything, but we do some weird things… I was going to try to demonstrate how to do a partner assisted pull up here, … Continued