#1 Top Rated Fat Burning Workout (better than cardio)

This is my good friend, Kate Vidulich. She’s a cool Aussie girl living in New York. (I have an Aussie friend, Lisa that has threatened to swim the Pacific and thump Kate if she loses her awesome accent.) In fact, I think I should adopt some kind of accent because they’re so cool 😉 Kate … Continued

Ditch the ‘Dreadmill’ Workout

This is my good friend, Kate Vidulich. She’s a cool Aussie girl living in New York. (I have an Aussie friend, Lisa that has threatened to swim the Pacific and thump Kate if she loses her awesome accent.) In fact, I think I should adopt some kind of accent because they’re so cool 😉 Why … Continued

JoLynn’s Success Story

It’s great when I have a client that are willing to share their story with us. It’s a great motivator to those of us who seem content to ‘read’ about success and maybe aren’t quite ready to create our own. Success comes when we get comfortable with being ‘uncomfortable’. Stepping out of our comfort zone … Continued

Stop Peeing Your Pants (Surprising Solution)

No one wants to really talk about peeing your pants when you sneeze, but you know what I’m saying… Now you may have noticed that I came out with a program involving jumping rope. I suspect you may have looked at me like I have three heads. You may be thinking: ‘What am I? A … Continued

Pee Your Pants? Surprising Solution

Do you feel like you’re going to pee your pants when you sneeze? No one wants to really talk about it, but you know what I’m talking about… You may think I have three heads when I suggest that jumping rope is your solution but it is. Your pelvic floor muscles are like any other … Continued

Alternative to Running?

Do you like to run, but your knees do not? Or do you want to get a workout in but you’re stuck at home? Jumping rope is a great alternative to running for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s easier on your joints, especially when you do a two foot jump. You take … Continued

Another Challenge Jump Rope Workout

Sometimes the simplest things are the best, but we complicate our life with what seems to be ‘new’ and sexy. Jumping rope may not seem sexy (but let me tell you it has it’s benefits where pelvic floor muscles are concerned! ;)) When you use a jump rope, you work your heart, lungs, legs, arms, … Continued

Jump Yourself Lean

   Want to be lean in record time? It’s not rocket science. It’s a matter of getting a sweat on and there’s no faster way than to grab your jump rope. Here’s a nasty little workout for you: Do 30 second repeats. Take no rest time, but if you finish the reps before the 30 … Continued

How to save $1487.03 and lose more fat

The average treadmill costs about $1500. If you LOVE to run, then this may be of value to you. If you have the ROOM for this monstrosity, then this may make sense to you. If fat loss is NOT your goal, then fill yer boots, go ahead and drop $1500+ on this machine. The majority … Continued

Jump Rope – Why did we ever stop?

Did you jump rope as a kid? Of course you did. We all did. Why did we ever stop? The benefits of jump rope are long and list worthy…   Easier on the joints than running, especially when you do a double foot jump you distribute your weight on BOTH feet versus just one foot. … Continued