Kickboxing Challenge?

Guest Post by Daniel Woodrum

Are you looking for a new Challenge?  challenge yourself

Are you looking for a unique and fun program to go along with Shawna’s amazing Challenge Workouts?

Are you ready to bust through a plateau and lose those stubborn few last pounds that won’t go away?

If you shook your head yes, I’ve got the perfect solution that will solve these problems.

Have you ever tried kickboxing workouts? No, I’m not talking about your aerobic kickboxing class you often times see. I’m talking about a kickboxing workout that combines advanced bodyweight exercises, kickboxing moves, and unique density style training methods that will challenge you both mentally and physically. I’m talking about the ULTIMATE kickboxing workout program that can be done anywhere, without any equipment. But don’t be fooled, this is a workout that will push you past your limits and challenge you beyond belief.

Rather you are just starting your fitness journey, or looking for a new challenge to take your fitness to the next level, this program is for everybody. It’s strategically designed with a Beginner Phase, Intermediate Phase, and two Advanced Phases…that’s right, two Advanced Phases!

What are the benefits of a kickboxing based program?

  • Confidence Booster – Kickboxing helps you release endorphins which will give your mood a boost and help you feel more confident. Endorphins allow you to feel happier and more positive for hours after your workout.
  • Calorie Burning Machine – Fitness magazines report that fitness kickboxing workouts can burn up to 800 calories per hour. While these are controversial numbers and you won’t be working out for near an hour, there’s no debate that kickboxing workouts burn a substantial amount of calories.
  • Better Posture – There’s a strong chance you are hunched over the computer all day. Kickboxing workouts will challenge many muscle groups that don’t get enough attention throughout the day, and you will start to build up your core. Core muscles in and around your abdominal wall are targeted with kickboxing routines because you need to use your waist and abs for balance.
  • Full Body Workout –      Kickboxing workouts will work your entire body head to toe. Why waste hours in the gym training specific body parts, when you can train your entire body in less than 30 minutes. Time is money. And there’s absolutely no reason to waste your valuable time in the gym doing unnecessary exercises.

Kickboxing workouts will improve your core strength. I can’t tell you how many of my clients have come to me with back problems. Once we strengthened their core through the kickboxing exercises, their back problems disappeared. There truly is no better method to work your entire body each and every workout. There will never be a muscle untrained!

I call this fat-fighting workout the “Lucky 7’s

  • 4 Punches/Squat/4 Front Kicks (= 1 Rep) – 7 Reps
  • Spiderman Pushups – 7 Reps
  • Prisoner Reverse Lunge To Knee – 7 Reps Per Side

Let’s say you knock out this circuit twice in one minute… then in the next minute, you’ll aim for 3. You may “think” you can’t do more, but now your muscles and nervous system are ready to take on more work.

By the way, that’s just the first half of the round. You’ll go through 4 more exercises inside the “Lucky 7’s” workout including:

  • A weird ab exercise that hits the “love handles” (7 reps per side)
  • A conditioning exercise that works the abs and raises your heart rate (7 reps)
  • Exercise for LOWER abs (7 reps)
  • Conditioning exercise that hits the obliques at the same time (7 per side)

Get the rest of Lucky 7’s and all the Kickboxing Density circuits here

These are a few of many benefits that you will gain using kickboxing workouts. If you’re ready to try something new along with Shawna’s Challenge Workouts, bust through the plateau, and try something unique and fun, look no further than Home Kickboxing Revolution. It’s the ULTIMATE kickboxing workout that will help you achieve your dream body. And the best part is all you need is 25 minutes and your body – that’s it.

home kick boxing rev banner

If you like Challenges that involve burpees, pushups, and planks, Home Kickboxing Revolution is for you.



home kickboxing rev Daniel Woodrum

About the Author

Daniel Woodrum is a fat loss expert and CTT, Certified Turbulence Trainer. He owns two kickboxing gyms in Charleston, South Carolina and works with hundreds of clients each week. Daniel has worked with thousands of clients, helping them transform their lives by improving their nutrition, mindset, and overall physique using his strategic kickboxing techniques.

Daniel’s youth, enthusiasm, and love for fitness has helped him connect and build trust with his clients, leading to him being the leading fat loss expert in his area.

On a mission to help transform hundreds of thousands of lives across the world, Daniel has put his entire kickboxing system in an easy to follow program called Home Kickboxing Revolution. This program is the ultimate bodyweight kickboxing program that is perfect for all levels. It has a unique set-up that emulates that of an actual fight (rounds). If you’re ready to punch stubborn fat off and kick boredom in the face, Home Kickboxing Revolution would be your perfect match.