50? It Can’t Be

It’s got to be an April Fool’s joke…Me, 50 years old. Really?   When (if) I wake up tomorrow and look in the mirror, I’ll wonder how the heck 50 years has passed.   I’d think that I’d be sort of grown up by now, know things, like how to cook for example.   When … Continued

Q and A March 29th, 2013

  Question: What’s the best way to burn fat? Should I do cardio after my workout? Answer: I get this question all the time. Long, slow cardio on a treadmill or otherwise, is the LEAST effective method of fat loss. I’ve provided you with ‘Metabolic Power Builders’ which are a great alternative to the most … Continued

Finish ‘Her’

Did you know you’re probably wasting about 84% of your time “working out” if your goal is to shed fat or improve your overall health? It’s scary, but research is proving to us over and over that cardio is NOT the answer to losing fat. You probably already know that, but… … how do we … Continued

Fav Ab Moves and a Circuit

I get asked ALL the time what the BEST moves are for the abdomen and how to tighten and tone the tummy.   Guess what?   Here’s your BEST move: Seriously, things like burpees and mountain climbers, anything that gets you hot and sweaty and uses ALL your muscles will really help burn the most … Continued

Chicken Soup with Quinoa & Roasted Red Peppers

By using flavorful ingredients, like roasted red bell peppers and white bean hummus, this soup tastes like you slaved over it all afternoon– but really takes less than 20 minutes to throw together. This recipe is a great way to fit some quinoa into your diet. Quinoa is a protein-packed seed that is considered a … Continued

Herb Chicken, Arugula and Mango Salad

This recipe takes the concept of chicken salad to a whole new level. There is so much going on in the flavor department like sweet mango, savory chicken, tender asparagus, tangy arugula, and creamy goat cheese. Servings: 4 Here’s what you need…. For the Herb marinade:     Juice from 1 lemon     1 teaspoon olive … Continued

Workout Finishers 2.0

How do you make something good even better? (Or, ‘gooder’ as Mikey would probably say…) Mike ‘Pancakes’ Whitfield explains how he’s improved his finisher program to make it better. Density finishers are a big hit. As you may know, a density finisher is when you do a lot of volume in a little bit of … Continued

Fashion Flash March 25th, 2013

I’m hosting the Fashion Flash this week. Our group of fabulous stylish bloggers have the best in Over 40 fitness, fashion and beauty tips for you. Check it out below: ‘Old Dog New Trick?’ Here’s a cool workout for you to do at home. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too old to get … Continued

Navy SEAL Style Pyramid Set

I’m secretly in love with the Navy SEALS. Not that I know any, but I’ve been reading autobiographical books about them and find them to be real life heroes. You can read my last ‘book report’ on ‘Lone Survivor’ HERE. You’ll also find a couple of great workout ideas in that post. Those SEALS are … Continued

Q and A March 22, 2013

  Question for Rick Kaselj – Injury expert: What’s the best way to alleviate knee pain when I’m not in the gym? Answer (from Rick Kaselj): When you are not at the gym, you could actually be irritating your knee and this could lead to more serious knee pain or injuries. Look at what you … Continued