Be Persistent

It’s important to pursue your health goals as if your life depended on it because your life actually DOES depend on it! I had a family of squirrels wintering on my front deck and I sadly had to evict them. It was fascinating to watch as they stole the pillow stuffing that they were using … Continued

Life Balance for Belly Fat Loss?

Who’da thunk going for coffee with a friend would help with belly fat loss… Or going to church… Or leaving work at work…. You see, there’s more to fat loss than just getting in your workouts and healthy nutrition. While taking care of your health by working out and eating well is paramount, so is … Continued

Tanking Metabolism? 3 SURPRISING Answers

I always get asked how to boost metabolism and whether metabolism actually  tanks after a certain age. The fact is, lots of women blame a tanking metabolism on a shift in hormones but there can be something entirely different going on. There could be a combination of 3 things at play: First… As women age, … Continued

7 Steps to Aging Well

Want to make the best of your older years?  Here are 7 smart tips for aging well, covering everything from diet and exercise through to gratitude practise.

Metabolism Boosting Recipe

As many people know, I’m pretty much an epic kitchen klutz when it comes to cooking, but I have a brilliant metabolism boosting recipe in the video below that’s gluten free, dairy free, vegan, 100% paleo and it turns out for me EVERY time 😉 You’ll have to watch the video to see what it … Continued

Be Stubborn. Be Humble (Health lessons from my Dad)

I want to give a shout out to my good old dad. I flew my dad to Calgary for his 82nd birthday (and we also celebrated the 10th anniversary of my fitness boot camp the same weekend). We had a great few days together. Now my dad has had some health challenges since he had … Continued

Stay the Course (how to beat a fat loss plateau)

  Working hard on your fat loss only to struggle with a plateau that seems never ending? Frustrating much? This is a tough one because we’re all conditioned to want instant results. “I’ve been good today/this week/this month we cry – why aren’t I seeing results!”. And off you go to comfort yourself with a … Continued

Be “better” not “bitter”

Attitude is the difference between getting “better” or getting “bitter” as the old saying goes.   Look, there’s nothing new under the sun.   There’s a real trend I’m seeing in some people to believe their injury/niggle/ache is unique – that no one else before has experienced this level of pain or discomfort.   Trust … Continued

Why Your Resolutions Fail

Here’s just a snippet of me on Global Calgary News sharing what you’re going to discover… The sad reality is that 92% of all fitness resolutions fail….Want to be part of the 8% that succeed? Read on… Let’s break down why you may fail at your resolutions in the first place and a solution… KNOW … Continued