KB Bodyweight Challenge

I had the good fortune to meet Forest Vance. He’s a kettle bell guru. I am not. Forest has an interesting personal story about his journey into kettle bells. He was originally an athlete that found himself overweight and out of shape when he stopped playing football. He turned to kettle bells to lose over … Continued

Interview – Pull Up Tips

It appears that my next challenge should be learning to comb my hair, and not with the rock that I used on the day that my good friend Ben Teal interviewed me 😉 (I’ve always been cosmetically challenged, so I don’t think I’ll ever take to a comb or make up the way I probably … Continued

Kettle bells for Boot Camps with Forest Vance

How’s your training going? Do you need to spice things up? I checked with my friend, Forest Vance, for some tips on adding kettle bells to your boot camp. He one up’d it by providing us with a workout too 😉 I’ll let Forest take over from here: Kettlebell Boot Camp Kettlebells are an AWESOME … Continued

Endurance Power Builders = Fat Loss

I’m not what they call a ‘cardio junkie’. I did so much steady state cardio when I was getting ready for bodybuilding shows back in the day  (because in the ice age when I was completing that was ‘cutting edge’), that I can’t stand the idea of getting on a bike or treadmill for any … Continued

5 to 1 Workout

Are you a little timed strapped this holiday season? How about a quick bodyweight workout that you can do anywhere? As you know, I’ve been known to do this sort of thing in the airport, here, here and here. But there’s no need for you to drive to the airport, just do this in your … Continued

Warrior Workout – Lower Body

My friend, Tyler Bramlett, you’ve seen him on my blog before here and here, has a cool lower body challenge for you. Check it out: Here’s the challenge: You’ll do three movements, the assisted pistol squat, the side lunge and the jump lunge. Do each one for 2 minutes straight (one minute per leg on … Continued

Your Ab Workout Today

You’ve heard me talk about core strength and how important it is to have a strong core. But before you go and do hundreds of sit-ups I’m going to stop you. I’ve recently been dabbling in Pilates, you may not know this but doing a simple sit up doesn’t target the deep transverse abdominals the … Continued

12 Days of Pull Ups

Ba Humbug! Oh dear, I sound very Grinch like I know….I’m doing my best to get into the Christmas spirit. Confession: Recent changes in my family situation make the holidays more challenging for me. The plain truth is that I’d like to be surrounded by my kids at Christmas but they have to split their … Continued

Pilates Can Make Your Day

I think I may have told you that in the past I wasn’t a big Pilates fan…my best friend, Sylvia, is always trying to change that. I could see the benefits of Pilates, I just didn’t enjoy doing Pilates much, until now… Sylvia has some cool information on Pilates for us that helped me change … Continued


Here’s my BFF Sylvia. She’s an expert in Pilates. I secretly hate Pilates. (Well, I guess I can’t really say it’s a secret when I announce it on my blog.) Pilates moves are more challenging than you’d think. That’s one of the reasons that I don’t like them. They look like they should be so … Continued