I Can Do Anything (so can you;)

Guess what? I can do anything (and so can you)… I was once again thrown out of my comfort zone and relied on my ‘I can do anything’ attitude that helps me do challenging workouts and even do my own plumbing repairs. I swear, pushing myself in the gym has amazing cross over potential to … Continued

My Favorite ‘Go To’ Workout

The big three…. When I’m not doing pull ups, (believe it or not, I don’t do them all the live long day…) I like do the three basic lifts: squats, bench press and dead lifts. You can’t go wrong with these basics when it comes to strength and making your physique look great. Girls, did … Continued

Some Scary Numbers

It’s about time for a fix from Mr. Finisher himself…. I love to hate this man. I have clients that love to hate him as well. But no one hates the results they get with his workouts. I’ve got a post from Mr. Finisher, my friend Mike Whitfield for you 😉 Take it away Mikey: … Continued

Metabolic (video) Mayhem

Friends do things for friends, even if they don’t want too… I didn’t understand Ben’s reluctance when I asked him to do a video of one of his workouts for me. I do videos all the time and so do several of my other fitness friends…how was I to know that Ben just ‘didn’t do’ … Continued

Metabolic Mayhem

Want a cool body weight workout? Try this: Complete 10 reps of exercises A – J. Repeat up to 5 times: A) Bodyweight Squat B) Push-Ups C) Jumping Jacks D) Burpees F) Mountain Climbers G) Prisoner Squat H) Elevated Push-Ups E) Pull-Ups (or assisted pull ups) I) Reverse Lunges J) Plank (30 seconds recovery) This … Continued

Full Body 15-10-5

Strapped for time? Aren’t we all? It’s no excuse not to train. Here’s a quick and nasty one for you. It’s a full body workout that will have you hot and bothered in no time flat. Well, not exactly ‘no time’…after your warm up and a bit of a cool down, you’ll be done in … Continued

Hotel Gym Workout

This is my bag of workout fun that I take with me on the road…. In it you’ll find a jump rope, a gymboss timer, gum, my old haggard gym straps, hair elastics and a hair clip (I can’t stand hair on my face when I’m all sweaty ;)) Here’s a full body workout that … Continued

Up ‘N Down Hotel Gym Travel Workout

I do a far amount of traveling to various conferences and meetings with other fit pros. I like to stay on top of things and meet with all the industry leaders so I can help you as best I can. Whenever I travel, I always take this little bag of goodies with me… Inside, you’ll … Continued

Hotel Room Hot Mess Travel Workout

I’ve been known to workout anywhere. I don’t much care where I find myself, I’ll drop down and do push ups, or find a rafter and start doing pull ups. That’s just me. I know you’d like to do that too. Well, maybe not in an airport, but I know you’d like to have a … Continued

Hotel Room Hot Mess Bodyweight Workout

Travel…a good excuse to miss a workout if you’re looking for excuses. Me? I’m not big on excuses, and since you’re on my blog, I can only guess that you don’t look for them either. Excuses are for someone else. Someone that doesn’t challenge themselves daily. Even though just getting your workout in is a … Continued