Best Workout for Fat Loss?

D. I. E. T. There’s a four letter word if I ever saw one… Many try to lose fat through diet alone. This creates a smaller version of the same soft and squishy body. Sorry for the hard facts, but that’s just the way it is. If you’re happy to always wear long sleeves, long … Continued

Hand Over Hand Chin Ups

I met Nick Nilsson at Joel Marion’s Super Bowl party. He’s such a quiet and pensive dude, I can see why he’s been given the name ‘The Mad Scientist of Exercise’ because while everyone else is chatting it up, I’ll bet Nick is secretly dreaming up new movements on a variety of apparatus, whether it’s … Continued

Two Cool Back Moves…

My friend, Nick Nilsson, also known as the ‘Mad Scientist of Muscle’ has a cool move for you here: This is a great movement for maximizing back development. You’re going to perform two distinct movements for your back in one set. You’ll start with a normall pulldown movement, then holding the handle in that bottom … Continued

Can Bodyweight Exercises Build Muscle?

I recently did a survey with you and found out that 92% of you use bodyweight exercises in your training. (Thank you to those that did that survey.) With that in mind, I wanted to share this article from my friend, Todd. He’s a bodyweight genius. Take it away Todd: 3 Reasons You can Gain … Continued

Pull Up Tips

If you want to increase your pull up power, I have some tips for you. Pull ups are all around bad a$$ and well worth your while to spend some time working on them. No only will you look like a rock star doing them, you’ll shape your physique and improve strength in other areas … Continued

Lucky #7 Bodyweight Challenge

Body weight workouts are super fun, especially when you’re in a rush, can’t get to the gym and have limited equipment. This workout is a keeper for all the above reasons. Granted you need a pull up bar, but a tree branch, door jam, or a shower curtain rod would do the trick 😉 (note: … Continued

Anti-Aging Training Method?

  I’ve been talking about training for the older adult and how you may be surprised to learn that training LONGER can actually be detrimental and AGE you faster than a shorter effective workout. Sadly, I go into the gym and see WAY too may people slogging it away on cardio machines. I wanted to … Continued

One Strange Fat Loss Rule

I know you’re dying to hear how things are going here in Tampa. If you hadn’t heard, I’m here with the biggest fitness guru’s in the world including Joel Marion, Josh Benzoni, Vince Delmonte, Adam Steer, Dave Ruel, Mike Whitfield, Craig Ballantyne and a ton of others.  You’re probably wondering if there are any casualties … Continued

Working Out…Watching My Diet…What’s the Point?

I have a guest post for you up today from my friend, Steve Mckinney. He has an interesting perspective and a great home workout for you. Make sure to comment and give your feedback in the comment section. Deal? Here you go…   It was Christmas morning 1988 and my mother woke me up. She … Continued

Odd Bodyweight Exercise that Everyone Should Do

This is my friend Adam Steer,  he’s a fellow Canuck and all round cool guy (as expected, since he’s Canadian and all 😉 He’s into body weight training and has written a cool post for us today. In the past, bodyweight training has often been an afterthought for a lot of people. But it looks … Continued