Finish ‘Her’

Did you know you’re probably wasting about 84% of your time “working out” if your goal is to shed fat or improve your overall health? It’s scary, but research is proving to us over and over that cardio is NOT the answer to losing fat. You probably already know that, but… … how do we … Continued

Fav Ab Moves and a Circuit

I get asked ALL the time what the BEST moves are for the abdomen and how to tighten and tone the tummy.   Guess what?   Here’s your BEST move: Seriously, things like burpees and mountain climbers, anything that gets you hot and sweaty and uses ALL your muscles will really help burn the most … Continued

Workout Finishers 2.0

How do you make something good even better? (Or, ‘gooder’ as Mikey would probably say…) Mike ‘Pancakes’ Whitfield explains how he’s improved his finisher program to make it better. Density finishers are a big hit. As you may know, a density finisher is when you do a lot of volume in a little bit of … Continued

Navy SEAL Style Pyramid Set

I’m secretly in love with the Navy SEALS. Not that I know any, but I’ve been reading autobiographical books about them and find them to be real life heroes. You can read my last ‘book report’ on ‘Lone Survivor’ HERE. You’ll also find a couple of great workout ideas in that post. Those SEALS are … Continued

Old Dog New Trick Workout

Age is no excuse for being inactive. I’m 51 and I believe that age is just a number. I know that regular workouts and taking care with my nutrition has helped me look and feel great for the first half century 😉   I’m starting to feel some of the effects of aging, like hot … Continued

More Bad Ass Training

  Yup, I’m working on my bad ass-ery-ness (it’s a word, look it up :)) So far I’m zero for one. My New Year’s Resolution was to ‘drink more’, but I’ve been unsuccessful thus far. Oh, and by using the word ‘thus’ I think that disqualifies me from the ‘bad ass finals’. Dang! Now by … Continued

Snow day workout

Stuck at home? I was the other day…as you can see out my window, there was so much snow it made travel a bit treacherous. So instead of getting a workout by pushing my car out of the inevitable snow bank, I hit my home gym. You don’t need a gym to do this workout. … Continued

Bad Ass Training

I recently presented at Fitness Business Summit 2013. It’s a gathering of over 500 trainers looking for ways to help their clients with their fitness. I was pretty honored to be able to share some knowledge about best practices in running boot camps. Like there wasn’t enough pressure to get on stage, (you know to … Continued

Snowy Day Workout

This is what I have to look forward to some days here in Calgary…. I love what I call my ‘egg chair’ that is nestled in this window. It’s just me and Mac (book) on a Saturday or Sunday morning. When the weather is frightful outside, I cozy up and plug away at my laptop. … Continued

Bench Press and Shoulder Pain

I love to bench press. It’s one of my favorite lifts but on occasion, I experience shoulder pain. I have some tips for you from my ‘Mr Fix It’ guy, Rick Kaselj. In this video, he explains how to avoid shoulder pain when bench pressing. First of all, when you unrack the bar, create a … Continued