Finish Fat Loss for Good

We can all agree that there are no ‘quick fixes’ in fitness. There are good and better ways to do things. If you’re still under the impression that ‘longer is better’ when it comes to workouts, you’re mistaken. I’m not talking ‘quick fix’ when I say that you can get an effective workout DONE in … Continued


Is finding TIME for your workout your biggest challenge? I know what your schedule is like…mostly because I live a busy life too. I know how you burn the candle at both ends, you multi-task with so many things and yet your ‘to do’ list still is a mile long. Trust me when I say … Continued

A 25 Pound Personal Journey

I want to introduce you to my client Suzie. Prior to working with me and my workouts, she had gained 25 pounds in a year. She came to this realization: “I have to say the toughest part of changing my ways was actually leading myself out of denial and making up MY MIND that it was time” Initially she … Continued

Burpees and Box Jumps

I’m back from my filming fun in Michigan. I have something cool coming up for you with MORE Challenge Fat Loss video workouts. I’ll let you know about it soon. It’s back to my ‘other life’ of fitness boot camps. I run a Fit Body Boot Camp here in Calgary and I usually teach camp … Continued

DO Something! A Success in the Making….

Are you ready to start to DO something to make yourself feel better? I get many ladies that email me in desperation that it’s TIME. Time to take your health in your own hands. One lady emailed and said she’s been reading my emails for years now and is tired of sitting at the sidelines … Continued

Challenge Yourself

It’s time to get moving. No, I mean really moving. I mean move like you mean it. I have a formula that will get you into the shorts that are tight around the waist, the blouse that the sleeves are uncomfortable, the pants that just feel too tight around your bum. But you have to … Continued

Six For Summer

I have a great home workout for you to do in a small space with only a set of dumb bells. With these six exercises, you’ll be ready for summer shorts and short sleeves in no time. Set a timer for 35 seconds of work and 7 seconds to transition or rest. Here are the … Continued

What IS Challenge Fat Loss?

Challenge Fat Loss?   There’s more than one way to skin a cat, right? (BTW, I never want a skinned cat…who thought that saying up anyway?) I’m talking fat loss, not cats anyway…   We can all agree that there are no ‘quick fixes’ in fitness. There are good and better ways to do things. … Continued

Challenge Fat Loss Teaser

It was workout #32 on day three of filming. The team was a little bedraggled to say the least, but some how we mustered up the juice to keep going. We had 33 videos to shoot before I caught a plane back west to Alberta and Sean jumped in his car north to Ontario Canada. … Continued

Team Turbulence Training

I’ve got to make this quick…mostly because I’m about to fall asleep after a long day of filming. I’m in Lapeer, Michigan with Craig Ballantyne, Mike Whitfield and Brian Kalakay to help Craig film for his Turbulence Training program. His workouts are over the top amazing, but doing three of them today, on pretty much … Continued