Super Hormone Accelerator Workout

I have a treat for you today. I told you I’d have lots of fun stuff this week from my friend, Kate Vidulich, so today it’s a workout and a video 😉 To be honest, I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to other trainers. Since I’m old as the hills, I see … Continued

When in doubt…do burpees

  When in doubt…do burpees. For those of you that were unaware, my Mom passed away this week. You can read about it here. A sanity keeper these last few days has been my training. Workouts have been short due to funeral planning etc. Here’s what I did yesterday: RIST style workout (reps in specific … Continued

Burpees = Great Legs!

The beauty of the burpee is that you can burn up a ton of calories in a short time while working over 13 muscles at once. You can do burpees anywhere, it’s a fast and effective fat burning exercise that’s fun. Niall from ‘How Do I Get Great Legs‘ joined me for this great hamstring … Continued

How Do I Get Great Legs (workout sample)

Guest  Post by Niall Traynor   Build a Better Booty and Burn Fat I had a client start with me a few years back who in her mid-forties really wanted to improve the look of her butt. She wasn’t particularly overweight or out of shape but her butt just didn’t have the lift it did … Continued

Jump Rope = Great Legs

Want great legs? Don’t go for a run, plan to do a marathon or take up jogging. Jumping rope is FAR more effective, more fun and is easier on your body. Surprisingly your knees will love jumping rope more than running too. Especially when you do a double jump (or jump on two feet) because … Continued

Jumpin’ Fool

Want great legs? Don’t go for a run, plan to do a marathon or take up jogging. Jumping rope is FAR more effective, more fun and is easier on your body. Surprisingly your knees will love jumping rope more than running too. Especially when you do a double jump (or jump on two feet) because … Continued

One Leg Wonder Bodyweight Workout

Want to intensify a bodyweight workout? Do one legged squats and one armed push ups. Of course, if you’re not up to doing anything on one leg or one arm, then you’ll get a terrific workout by doing just regular squats and push ups too. What I like about doing one armed or one legged … Continued

Anywhere 8 Minute Bodyweight Abs Workout

Sometimes I know you have a limited amount of time and space to train. This happens to me on a travel day or when I’m in a hotel room. I can’t stand going to hotel gyms to find a dilapidated treadmill (that I wouldn’t use anyway), mis-matched dumb bells and a deflated stability ball. Why … Continued

Super Hero Abs?

Who doesn’t want to have visible, even super hero abs? Dennis shares some of his best techniques to get YOUR abs to show. He says there are two components to ab training: building the abs and then eliminating the fat around the abs. He suggests using hanging leg raises, weighted abs and bumping the intensity … Continued

Finish Strong!

I hate cardio as you probably already know…. Possibly the only other person I know that hates cardio as much or more than me is Mike Whitfield. This is a fella that you’d think would be a ‘cardio junkie’. I mean he’s lost over 100 lbs and lots of people would think that to lose … Continued