Drop This Food For Faster Weight Loss

There’s NO magical food for faster fat loss. In other words, you can’t eat more or less of something to have fat melt off your body… BUT… That’s not to say that there are some foods better than others. We all know that eating veggies is better than potato chips for better health and weight … Continued

Why You Need a Diet Break

You’ve lost weight? Fantastic! Now stop dieting for a bit… I know what you’re going to say: But I have more weight to lose. Trust me when I say that continual dieting will do nothing but shut down your metabolism so that losing weight will get harder and harder. This video will explain it more… … Continued

Easy Tip to Avoid Overeating

STOP eating before you’re full & START eating before you’re famished. In other words, remember the mantra ‘Never Starving Never Stuffed’. It’s easier to make decisions when we aren’t famished & it takes 20 min for our belly to tell our brain that it’s had enough. This simple tip has saved me thousands of calories. … Continued

Always Eat the Same Food for Fat Loss?

Worried about eating the same thing daily? Studies show it can actually be beneficial for weight loss. So don’t fuss about ‘same old same old’ foods as long as you’re getting adequate protein & a little variety over time. If you’re frustrated with weight loss, here’s a short video on why your weight may be … Continued

How to Eat LESS & Enjoy Food MORE

Do you multi-task? I’m guilty of this! I’m finding that when I’m more present when eating, I enjoy my food more & even eat less. Would you be willing to try this? Stop multi-tasking & pay more attention to what you’re eating, I promise it will increase your enjoyment! Oh, and read this for more … Continued

Easy Mantra To Maintain Weight

Here’s my favourite nutrition mantra that’s worked for me for 57 years to help me maintain my weight since high school. Never starving – Never stuffed When we get too hungry, we tend to make less quality food choices & may eat too quickly. It takes about 20 min for our belly to tell our … Continued

Intuitive Eating

Want to ditch dieting for good? Have you heard about intuitive eating? This is the end goal for all my clients, but it takes some time to be able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want with confidence… Have you tried intuitive eating? How about starting with this short video? https://masterclass.shawna247.com/ It will explain … Continued

Protein Packed Breakfast Pancakes

Breakfast is my favorite meal. I always start off with a good portion of protein because it helps to keep me satiated through out the morning. This is a super simple recipe: 70g Kodiak pancake mix 1 egg 4 oz plain low fat Greek yogurt dash of cinnamon 1/3 c water Mix it all up, … Continued

Going Meatless? 5 Facts You Should Know

Whether you’re going meatless for a meal, or month or longer, your body still needs protein so here are 5 facts you need to know. Fact 1 – The human body creates 11 amino acids but must get another nine from food. Animal products are complete proteins, meaning they contain all the amino acids. Some … Continued

Should I Have a Shake After My Workout?

Your first priority is to start exercising on the regular, after which time, you’ll want to optimize your results with your post workout nutrition. You’ll want protein to help repair & rebuild muscle. Remarkably, you’ll want some carbs too. Whenever you ingest carbohydrate, your body responds by producing insulin. Typically, I suggest that we control … Continued