A Fitness Secret of Mine

As promised, I wanted to share one of my fitness secrets. Actually, two things today… I’ve been working out for many years and I feel I’m making gains in my fitness journey all the time. One of the ways that I’m able to do this is to log my workouts. The second ‘secret ingredient’ is … Continued

Basic Kettle Bell Moves

Are you interested in trying kettle bells? I was, so I had my good friend and master trainer, Ron Holland take me through some kettle bell moves. He’s the author of the Curvy Woman workout, which I’ve been using, but isn’t quite ready for you yet. When it is, I’ll be sure to get you … Continued

Fitness Magic Bullet?

Are you tempted by products that claim to help you: “lose 10lbs in one week” “6 days to 6 pack abs” “30lbs in 30 days with our shake program” etc etc Are you kidding me? I just want to say that there are many fitness trainers out there that will even flog these sorts of … Continued

Starbucks Anyone?

I’m Shawna Kaminski and it’s been one day since my last Starbucks coffee… Yes, coffee is a favorite of mine. I actually gave it up for a month. I tried to replace it with a healthy alternative: green tea. But, I got tired of having no reason to live, so I decided that the one … Continued

Ten pebbles, a hill and an IPOD

I was out with my dog on Sunday, sort of lamenting the end of summer and thinking about the great hill workouts I had at my summer home. Fall comes fast in Calgary where I live, and I know I won’t be able to have many outdoor workouts till spring. Desi (my boxer) and I … Continued

10 Psychological Keys to Maintaining Your Commitment to Exercise

Epiphany: exercise for health, weight loss and to feel great. Has this occurred to you? I’m passionate about helping you succeed and so I thought it important to ‘set the stage’  to increase your chances. Once you read these ten points, I’m sure you’ll agree that some even sound like common sense, but they can … Continued

Female Fat Loss Over 40 (Is Possible!!)

As you know, my passion is to help  you as much as possible. I know that fitness and fat loss is likely your goal  and you sometimes feel a bit hopeless. I sometimes wonder what good I’m doing behind this laptop, pounding out email after email and blog post after blog post. So, sometimes I … Continued

Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

I know I’m gonna upset you with what I’m  gonna say…but I’m gonna say it anyway… “Don’t be surprised that you have a muffin top and no energy if you feed your body junk.” It’s not brain surgery. If you want to feel good, you can’t eat like these ladies in this picture. You can’t … Continued

Female Fat Loss Over 40 Top Tips

Here’s my pal and fitness expert from Edmonton, Jason Mathews, interviewing me on my top tips for women in their 40’s. I’d like to say that women of all ages can benefit from these tips. Those in their 20’s and 30’s are going to have less issues with weight gain and menopausal symptoms if they … Continued