A Few Good Habits…

It takes a long time to establish a fit and healthy lifestyle. If you were to look at mine, you’d probably think I’m the most boring, non-spontaneous person around. And you’d probably be right to a certain extent. I know what works for me to keep me feeling good though, and I do all I … Continued

Fashion Flash!

I’m excited to be with a powerful group of bloggers.  Each one, a renown fashion expert in her respective field. As you’ve seen in the past few Mondays, each Monday, I  link to one of my favorite fashion experts who shares the best of the best of her tips with us. Welcome to this week’s … Continued

Boot Camp Breakfast??

Food is the force multiplier when it comes to training results. What I mean by this is that it can really make your results come faster, or put them at a stand still based on what you put in your mouth. I know that when you get up at 5 am to train, food may … Continued

Grocery Store Drama?

So, the other day I was in the grocery store and a mom hauled off and spanked her child right in the middle of the aisle. Wow, I was shocked and didn’t know what to think about it. I’m a mom and I know that I’ve been TOTALLY at the end of my rope when … Continued

Will you ‘do it’ in public?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve done? Think hard. I’m sure you can beat me, but I’ve done some pretty strange things… One strange thing I did was just for you… As you know, I travel a fair bit. I head to meetings to learn with some of the best fitness trainers from around the world. … Continued

Fashion Flash Monday

As you may or may not know, I’ve started a new feature on Monday’s called the ‘Fashion Flash’. You’ll find  some great links to other great women’s blogs. Today I wanted to send you to the “no nonsense beauty blog”, go here: http://nononsensebeauty.wordpress.com/ You’ll find some cool info on winter skin woes and what to … Continued

One brave client’s pantry….

Remember you can never out train poor nutrition. An hour of training will not off set 23 hours of poor eating choices. I think one of the best pieces of advice I can give you regarding nutrition is to ‘ eat with intention’. If we spent more time thinking about our food choices and eliminated … Continued

Workout Interrupted….now what?

My days get pretty hairy, just like yours. Last week, I made one of the best decisions ever by hiring an assistant. That is, one with opposable thumbs, Desi doesn’t count even though he’s in the office with me every waking moment. My assistant is amazing and aside from having a riot in the office, … Continued

A Letter from Your Belly Fat

My good friend and fitness expert wrote a funny but true article that I felt was worth sharing… A Letter from Your Belly Fat By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS http://goo.gl/s35RT Dear Friend, This is a letter from your ol’ pal, belly fat. We had a great run this holiday season, didn’t we? Lots of good … Continued

Fashion Flash!

We’re a unique demographic, that is, us girls that are 40 plus… I know that you visit my blog to learn about fitness and fat loss, but you have many other concerns. I often check out the blogs of others that cater to the 40 plus group and I’ve found a bunch of amazing blogs … Continued