Xtreme Fat Loss and My Xtreme Fat Loss Workout Challenges

This new weight loss strategy from nutrition expert Joel Marion that you’ve been hearing about is creating a LOT of controversy. It’s called the The Triple Your Fat Loss Extreme Diet. Frankly, it IS different from what I normally use, but the results speak for themselves. Check out the success stories on that website before … Continued

Xtreme Fat Loss and Xtreme Female Fat Loss Workouts

This new weight loss strategy from nutrition expert Joel Marion that you’ve been hearing about is creating a LOT of controversy. It’s called the The Triple Your Fat Loss Extreme Diet. Frankly, it IS different from what I normally use, but the results speak for themselves. Check out the success stories on that website before … Continued

Fashion Flash April 30th

Be sure to check out what they have to say this week for the Fashion Flash: http://www.faboverforty.com/makeup-over-forty/makeovers-wedding-attire-skincare-advice-for-fab-over-40/ Have you been invited to a wedding and just not sure what to wear? Check out some of the Glam Gals favorite dress styles over at Fabulous After 40. With Mother’s Day only a few weeks away, you … Continued

No Pain No Gain? Training, Injury and Muscular Soreness

Training hard should hurt. And it’s understood that exercise will result in sore muscles after you’re finished an intense exercise session. However, the old saying of ‘no pain no gain’ has its limitations. There are definitely times when pain is unwelcome. Those that know the difference between ‘good pain’ and ‘bad pain’ will be most … Continued

A Challenge and A Mom’s Weight Loss Lessons

I wear many hats. I’m the ‘pull up queen’ of Challenge Workouts. I’m the ‘Mistress of Misery’ here at Calgary NW Fit Body Boot camp. I run the Fit Body Boot Camp University (training trainers), I’m the ‘Female Fat Loss Over 40’ Expert. I’m a former school teacher of 20 years.   But first and … Continued

Fashion Flash April 23rd

My blogger friends have been very busy and are sharing  where they’ve been and what they learned, check it out here: http://nononsensebeauty.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/its-fashion-flash-monday-49/ Deja Pseu of Une Femme d’un Certain Age has created an amazing 12 piece Travel Capsule for a 10 day trip to Paris and Provence.  Since I take  12 pieces for a weekend  in … Continued

Body Weight Core Killer

Turns out this is a KILLER core workout that you can do at home, in your office, in a hotel room, where ever you find yourself in need of a quick workout. Who says bodyweight training is ineffective? I dare you to try this set and tell me you don’t feel your chest on fire … Continued

Bodyweight Inspiration

The other day I woke up and made coffee, my big treat for the day. I have coffee in the morning, a gigantic cup I might add. And then I hit the gym. Mmmm…coffee… However, my coffee was looking rather pale, no ‘to die for’ smell… I forgot to add coffee…Yum-hot water 🙂 I started … Continued

Fashion Flash April 16th

I’m the Fashion Flash hostess this week and I have a cool line up of all the best bloggers, take a look:   First up, if you missed it, check out if sit ups really burn belly fat. I’ve got new for you here.   Have you seen the film, The Hunger Games? Are you … Continued