Avoid This in The Afternoon for Better Sleep

Mid-afternoon crash? It’s tempting to go for coffee, but don’t do it! Afternoon coffee will mess with your sleep and perpetuate the afternoon drowsiness. The average half-life of caffeine is 4-6 hours which means that half the caffeine in your 3 pm coffee is still in your system at 9pm. Study: 10.1016/B978-0-12-375083-9.00033-7 Instead of a … Continued

How to Make an Uncomfortable Habit Stick!

Trying to incorporate an uncomfortable habit? Here’s a strategy: Don’t break the streak! Set a small goal & attainable expectation for yourself. Keep a physical calendar & add a check mark each time you do your ‘uncomfortable’ task. Set the bar LOW but be consistent. Things get less uncomfortable over time! Happy to help with … Continued

Mobility Balance Challenge

If you fall and break a hip, the risk of mortality in hip fracture patients is 3-fold higher than that in the general population. Here’s a study explaining that scary stat: https://rdcu.be/c2TKX So make sure you’re doing all you can to stay strong & mobile! Try this: Touch elbow to opposite knee while balancing on … Continued

10 Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training is NOT all about weight loss – although weight loss can be a benefit. Here are 10 other benefits UNRELATED to weight loss: Increased muscle tone Increased metabolism Increased strength Better mood Stronger bones Improved sleep Improved blood sugar regulation Reduced risk of injury Improved cardiovascular health Increased longevity Bonus: Oh and with … Continued

4 Tips to Achieve Your Goals in the New Year

You don’t have to wait to the New Year to make a change… But it does feel like a clean slate. Here are 4 tips to achieving your goals: 1️Take action 2️Start SMALL 3️Focus on wins, no matter how small 4️Surround yourself with supportive people I’m excited to kick off 2023 with my FREE mini … Continued

Shoulder Stability Warm Up

If you don’t keep moving, you’ll lose your mobility. Want strong & stable shoulders? Use light plate weight to perform these drills in your warm up: First drill… -Reach upwards with plates on palms up… -Externally rotate plates as you lower hands… -Bend at waist as you reach out laterally with palms up… -Inwardly rotate … Continued

It’s Good to Fail

Failure is part of the process… If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough If you’re learning something new, remember that we all start somewhere. There’s a lesson in every ‘fail’. Failure is the only way to real success. Happy to help you ‘fail forward’ in your fitness journey… I’m just a message away, … Continued

Mountains or Beach?

Mountains or the beach? If you had to choose, what would it be? How about both? Because if you have a choice of two things and can’t decide, take both. [Gregory Corso] These mountains never get old. So grateful to be able to get out an enjoy the mountains with this guy, the beach is … Continued