My Health Journey…

Confession time 🙄 … For the longest time I wouldn’t post anything about my own workouts because I felt like I might alienate my clients 👽 Sometimes I feel like my clients will look at me like I have three heads if I post what my training actually consists of 👹… I love to help women … Continued

Gazebo Bodyweight Workout

Quick body weight workout anyone? I always take my jump rope with me for an impromptu bodyweight workout. This one occurred in the gazebo with a Mama Robin keeping watch. She had a nest full of eggs just to my right (you’ll see it at the end of the video). I wanted to get in … Continued

Birthday Butterfly Pull Up Challenge

I just turned 55 (OMGosh, how did I get so old?)… Last year I decided to do 54 pull ups and my goal was to beat 5 minutes. This year, I thought I’d try to beat my time from last year, 55 pull ups in under 5 minutes. Looking at the video, I see the … Continued

Tips to Improve Your Push Up and Flatten Your Belly

The push up is a brilliant under used exercise. It will tighten and tone your belly more than you might even imagine because the core is engaged just as much as it strengthens your arms and shoulders. Here are some tips to help you be successful: ✳️ If your wrists are sore, place DB’s under … Continued

Unusual Exercise to Reduce Knee Pain

Knee pain? Here’s a simple at home exercise to solve it (AND shape your 🍑)… Now most of us are a ‘lazy a$$’ and what I mean by that is that we don’t know how to turn on our gluteus maximus (the big butt muscle). This is partially due to our lifestyle. When our glutes don’t … Continued

Light It Up 15 Minute Workout

✳️There is no ‘try’… Mindset must be: ‘I’m going to succeed’ 👊🏻➡️This applies to health, fitness, career, relationships, everything… 💪🏻This was a quick hotel workout… ✔️20 DU or 10 burpees… ✔️10 push ups… ✔️10/arm DB snatch or 20 squat jumps… ✔️10/arm get ups… ✔️10/leg pistol or 20 bw squats… . ➡️4 rounds… ✔️Done and … Continued

Bodyweight Workout – Honolulu Hot One

Who says you need equipment to have a decent workout❓… I always travel with a jump rope and I keep my eye 👁 balls peeled for something to hang from 👀… In a pinch, here’s 15 minutes of sweaty fun 👊🏻➡️30 double unders (single or phantom skips)… ➡️5 pull ups (or wall sit Stick ups)… … Continued

Where Did My Butt Go?

Surprisingly, many women find that as we age, our belly gets thicker and our butt disappears. Well, it doesn’t exactly disappear, but it loses the bubble shape and we end up looking a little sausage-like 😳 So, if you want to make your belly look leaner and your muffin top smaller, developing the muscles of … Continued

Best Body Weight Move for Sexy Arms

Want sexy arms?  Great arms are always in season, whether it’s for the holidays and your little black dress, a short sleeved summer shirt, or even your bikini, toned arms are in style. Here’s my fav bodyweight arm shaping and belly flattening move  Sexy arms start with shapely shoulders, so it’s fantastic that this move … Continued

Why Walking Isn’t Enough

Many women over 40 have mentioned that they are ‘active’ and do a lot of walking. EXCELLENT! Don’t stop! However, walking isn’t enough to help you lose your menopause belly and here’s why… ➡️Walking simply isn’t intense enough to change your body. In order for your body to change, it needs a challenge and (thankfully) … Continued