Want to Lose Your Belly Fat?

All your efforts with long cardio & calorie restriction might be wasted! Both of these increase the stress hormone cortisol. And cortisol can increase belly fat. The solution? Eat more! And do the right kind of exercise. I cover all this in my upcoming menopause belly fix challenge! Register (or hit the waiting list) here: … Continued

8 Habits for Better Sleep

Sleep is magical! Protect it with these 8 habits: Get 10 minutes of natural sunshine within an hour of waking Observe the evening sunset Reduce overhead lights at night Enjoy caffeinated drinks before noon Exercise earlier in the day Keep the room cool Avoid alcohol before bed Include magnesium rich foods And I use the … Continued

Do NOT Use This Sleep Supplement

You may have heard that Melatonin will help you sleep, but I beg to differ. Here’s why I don’t use melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone that interacts with other hormone systems. Melatonin is an unregulated dietary supplement so dosages in commercial products can be well off what’s on the label. Dosages are far greater than … Continued

Can’t Sleep? Try This

Can’t sleep? We all go through periods of sleeplessness, especially in menopause! Supplementing with magnesium can help! But there are many kinds of magnesium, so what’s the best source for sleep? My favorite magnesium is Magnesium L-Threonate. In addition to helping with sleep, it can be protective against cognitive decline. Magnesium threonate is a more … Continued

Red Wine to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms?

It’s true! The compound: resveratrol found in red wine can reduce menopausal symptoms. BUT, you’d have to drink 3L of wine to get the benefits from red wine alone. This type of consumption is NOT a healthy option – as fun as that may seem! So, don’t use the resveratrol excuse to chug bottles of … Continued

The 6 Week Summer Meltdown

Registration is now open for the next 6 week Summer Meltdown. (If you see ‘join the waiting list’, sorry, you missed out) Curious what people have to say about working with me? Here are just a few of my clients: I only have 10 spots available. I keep the group very small because you get … Continued

Menopause And Your HAIR

Has your hair changed during menopause? Possibly, and here’s why… Declining estrogen can cause: Dry & itchy scalp Dull hair Reduced ability for hair to grow Increased androgens which can lead to male pattern baldness like hairline hair loss & a wider part Here are six tips to keep your hair healthy & strong during … Continued

How Long Will Weight Loss Take?

Honest answer? It depends! Results always take longer than what you’d like. Remember, results come in many forms, focus on non-scale victories. And, rather than focus only on results, focus on being consistent with the habits that will bring them about. Consider giving your plan 30 days of 100% effort before switching things up. Dieting … Continued

Need a Protein Cheat Sheet?

Need a protein cheat sheet? Food labels can be tricky. *If you need some support with your nutrition, let’s talk here: https://tinyurl.com/talktoshawna Look at the cheese in the video. It seems like 7g of protein is a good option for a small cube. You also get 10g of fat in that small cube of cheese. … Continued

Decision Fatigue? [Solution]

Can’t decide? You may have ‘decision fatigue’. You have so many decisions to make each day, you run out of energy to make great choices regarding your health… Simplify your nutrition by planning ahead: 1. Stock your fridge with easy go to protein options like rotisserie chicken, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese. 2. Cook extra at … Continued