Fashion Flash!

As you know, I’ve teamed up with other women bloggers. You can check out this site: to get info on all the cool topics below: Here’s what you’ll find when you go to that link: Have you ever had the good intentions of getting to the gym or doing a workout and then you … Continued

Fashion Flash

My favorite bloggers have lots to offer. Check it out here. Or here: *  The Shoe Dish is taking off her heels to expore the wide world of casual shoes for  for the outdoor enthusiast.  Check out their favorite finds for casual comfort shoes  that are as cool as they are comfy. * Female … Continued

Fashion Flash!

My fav bloggers have lots of goodies for you this morning… You can check them out here: You’ll find spring sandals to battling belly fat to anti aging tips  to jewelry trends. These bloggers live in our shoes and write about relevant stuff. Check it out.

Fashion Flash

Guess what? I’m the host of the fashion flash this week! I have some great blogs that you can check out. The cool thing about these blogs is that they’re authored by women just like us: real women that are down to earth and they’re just following and sharing their passions. Onto the blogs… First … Continued

Fashion Flash

Check out my fav bloggers here: You’ll find some cool blogs about: -a vitamin that’s linked to younger looking skin -clothes that flatter your body type -a fashion focus on capri pants, how they’re different this spring and how to wear them -and a link to yours truly (me) and my advice on fitness … Continued

A Few Good Habits…

It takes a long time to establish a fit and healthy lifestyle. If you were to look at mine, you’d probably think I’m the most boring, non-spontaneous person around. And you’d probably be right to a certain extent. I know what works for me to keep me feeling good though, and I do all I … Continued

Fashion Flash!

I’m excited to be with a powerful group of bloggers.  Each one, a renown fashion expert in her respective field. As you’ve seen in the past few Mondays, each Monday, I  link to one of my favorite fashion experts who shares the best of the best of her tips with us. Welcome to this week’s … Continued

Fashion Flash Monday

As you may or may not know, I’ve started a new feature on Monday’s called the ‘Fashion Flash’. You’ll find  some great links to other great women’s blogs. Today I wanted to send you to the “no nonsense beauty blog”, go here: You’ll find some cool info on winter skin woes and what to … Continued

A Letter from Your Belly Fat

My good friend and fitness expert wrote a funny but true article that I felt was worth sharing… A Letter from Your Belly Fat By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Dear Friend, This is a letter from your ol’ pal, belly fat. We had a great run this holiday season, didn’t we? Lots of good … Continued

Fashion Flash!

We’re a unique demographic, that is, us girls that are 40 plus… I know that you visit my blog to learn about fitness and fat loss, but you have many other concerns. I often check out the blogs of others that cater to the 40 plus group and I’ve found a bunch of amazing blogs … Continued