Why You Can’t Lose Your Menopause Belly…

FAT LOSS RESULTS WILL BE SLOW. Results are MEANT to be slow so you preserve your muscle and bone density and also because you’ll learn the skills required to maintain any weight you lose. Stop trying so hard! You can’t rush fat loss. especially if you’re menopausal. A slower and more sustainable approach will be … Continued

Menopausal Weight Gain? Good News…

Menopausal weight gain is a b!tch. It’s one more of the MANY symptoms of aging. But weight gain can’t all be blamed on decreasing estrogen that comes with menopause. The good news is there are three things you can do TODAY to turn things around. 1.Without resistance training, you’re trading lean mass (muscle) for fat … Continued

Taking on Too Much In Menopause?

If you fall apart, so does everything else… You need to prioritize YOU. Here are 7 ways: 1. Recognize your needs: What makes you feel refreshed, relaxed, & fulfilled? 2. Set boundaries: Learn to say NO to protect your time & energy. 3. Schedule self-care: Treat self-care as a non-negotiable part of your routine. 4. … Continued

Willpower Doesn’t Work in Menopause

You’re not the problem… EVERY one gives into temptation at some point. Set yourself up for success by changing your environment to remove temptation. If you’re serious about improving your health, put structures of support in place around you… I’d love to help! Accountability is key to developing healthy habits long term. Join my most … Continued

It’s Never Too Late to Start – Even in Menopause

Let’s defy the stereotypes of aging. You don’t need to do what I do… But you should do SOMETHING to build/maintain muscle and bone density as you age. Start or start over. Run your own race. Just get going. I can help, let’s talk: http://lifestyle.shawna247.com https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.CIR.101.7.828

How to Stay Motivated in Menopause

Don’t let your feelings decide… If you had to decide each day whether to do something hard, you may just put it off to later or ‘tomorrow’. That’s why I get in the ice bath daily without thinking – I made a promise that I’d do it every day for a month. Each morning, because … Continued

Do You Play the Comparison Game?

You’ll ALWAYS fall short when you compare yourself to your FORMER self. ‘I used to be able to do (xyz)…’ ‘I had endless energy’… ‘I had a super flat tummy…’ ‘I was a size 4…’ You have wisdom and talents now that you didn’t back then. Appreciate today because, even if you’re hating on yourself … Continued

Want More Time for YOU? Do THIS in Menopause

Struggling to find time for yourself? Obligations (like work) take the time you allow. It’s okay to carve out some personal time to recharge. If you find yourself never saying no… Or constantly putting others first… Remember YOU are the architect of your own life. Time doesn’t magically just show up on your calendar. Make … Continued

Choose THIS in Menonpause

The life expectancy for women is 84, so if you’re 60, like me, you have 24 summers left… Age related decline will steal some of your quality of life, no matter how hard you fight back. What are you doing NOW to ensure that you’ll get the MOST out of what life you have left? … Continued

Investment Tip for REAL Wealth in Menopause

There’s a whole lot more to being rich than having a full bank account. You can buy an expensive car. You can buy new shoes or entire designer wardrobe. You can go on lavish holidays. But do you know what REAL wealth is? What a REAL status symbol is as you age? great health pain … Continued