What to Do When Your Life is Out of Control in Menopause

Does your life feel out of control?

There seem to be seasons where it’s just ONE thing after another! Menopause tends to be one of those seasons :/


Taking charge of your nutrition will provide some grounding.

Choices don’t need to be perfect. Prioritizing protein, adding fiber, drinking lots of water – often these are simple things that will make a HUGE difference, They may not contribute to weight loss, but they will certainly go a long way to prevent weight GAIN, which is often overlooked as a win during times of stress.

When you control your nutrition, you’ll feel empowered in at least one area of life when everything else is bonkers!

Also, having someone in your corner to remind you that you’re awesome and that you can keep going with the self care might be just what you need.

For example, Shannon was going through an especially difficult time at work. I reminded her that as her work environment changed, she would feel physically better if/when she ate a protein rich breakfast, prepped her lunches and had dinners planned to return home to. Taking control of this area helped her cope and adjust to the other changes in her life.


If you’d like similar help, let’s talk! 


My coaching programs come in a variety of price points that will meet your budget, and even we decide coaching isn’t the right fit for you, you’ll get a few tips to help you manage your many stresses.