Lost Motivation? Do THIS

Motivation is fickle…

If you’re motivated, run with it, enjoy it. But also know that it won’t last.

And when it’s running low, there’s NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU.

Lack of motivation happens to even the MOST successful people in all walks of life. The secret to their continued success is to TAKE ACTION, even when they don’t feel like it.

Do something small, you don’t need to run a marathon to get back on track. Sometimes just the smallest of actions, something that will make you feel a bit successful, will be enough to get the ball rolling again.

And then, there’s one other thing that can help, and that is ACCOUNTABILITY…

If you know someone is depending on you to do something, you’re much more ‘motivated’ to complete whatever the task is.

If you need ‘motivation via accountability’, I’m your girl!

My most affordable coaching program is starting soon for less than $2/day to the habits that matter most to improved health. Check it out here.