How to Use Your Weight As DATA

🤷‍♀️Did you weigh yourself today? There seems to be two schools of thought regarding weighing. The first school of thought is to use the number on the scale as data. The second more popular school of thought is to use the number on the scale to base your FULL IDENTITY😳 Which way to you think … Continued

Magic Bullet to Weight Loss Success?

Don’t go it alone because there’s strength in numbers. I want to encourage you to find a ‘fitness family’ so that you can reap the benefits like these studies suggest: One study found that 95% of those who started a weight-loss program with friends completed the program, compared to a 76% completion rate for those … Continued

You’re Special – But not THAT Special…

Sorry for the harsh message ahead. You’re special but probably not THAT special. I’m sorry that sounds harsh but hear me out. It seems that many are getting just a snippet of (mis)info and self-diagnosing some serious stuff. Some ‘coaches’ are even playing the fear card telling clients they are ‘broken’. The fact is, you … Continued

Failure – The Best Teacher

🥳Celebrate your failures. And then forget them! Amnesia serves us better than guilt. Guilt is a wasted emotion unless it’s used to course correct. 🧁🍕Blew your nutrition this weekend? 💪🏻Skipped your workout? 👎🏻Lost your temper with someone? Beating ourselves up, staying stuck in the past, paralyzed to move on…these result from focusing on the FAILURE … Continued

Secret to Long Term Health Gains

🙅‍♀️If you don’t do the hard things now, you won’t find time to do them later. ..‬ ‪.‬ ‪🤦‍♀️It won’t get easier to…‬ ‪✔️build good habits…‬ ‪✔️plan a head…‬ ‪✔️remove temptations…‬ ‪✔️exercise daily…‬ ‪✔️meal prep…‬ ‪✔️cut back on processed foods…‬ ‪✔️get enough sleep…‬ ‪.‬ ‪📆Procrastinating on these things will only contribute to the equivalent of … Continued

Self Care – Don’t Wait

My mom would have been 78 this month🎂… . She died suddenly 5 years ago😞… . 💕I had the opportunity to sit with her for her last 10 days while she was in the ICU… . 😢She did not have an easy passing… . 😐The truth is, while she died suddenly, she was dying a … Continued

Choose YOUR Change – Just Start!

Time to be honest… I’ve been sharing a little more about my personal programming. In the past, I’ve been a little nervous to share what I do in terms of workouts/nutrition because I didn’t want to scare anyone off. I do lots of body weight training and ‘versions’ of exercises in my best follow along … Continued

Fitness Goals Versus Physique Goals

⚠️WARNING ⚠️ ✳️RANT✳️ I’ve become hyper-aware of SO many social postings or should I say ‘posings’ and it’s sort of irking me. It bothers me because these posts can be discouraging to everyone that’s busting their butts, sweating it out, DOING fitness, instead of just ‘posing’. After all, fitness is a VERB… We DO fitness… … Continued

Bathroom Selfie…

I hate bathroom selfies 📷… But I took this picture to make a point☝… I’ve gained 3 pounds (and I don’t care). I weigh myself daily only because it’s one form of feedback… My focus has been on getting ready for the CanWest Games (not on the scale)… My focus is on performance goals, not … Continued

Mindset Mantra to Lose Belly Fat

No time for fitness or self care?   🤔Mindset trick to get you more healthy.   ⏰Do you feel like you are always behind? Are you always chasing o’clock time to get things done?   Some people tell me they can’t possibly fit in any time for Fitness because they are so time poor.   … Continued