How to Use Your Weight As DATA

🤷‍♀️Did you weigh yourself today?

There seems to be two schools of thought regarding weighing.

The first school of thought is to use the number on the scale as data.

The second more popular school of thought is to use the number on the scale to base your FULL IDENTITY😳

Which way to you think about it?

If you can use the number on the scale as DATA only, you may be able to use that number to help you connect the dots between actions & results.

This, of course, means that for many of us, we need to undo a half century of reprogramming around self worth & body weight.

It won’t happen over night, but with consistent practice it can happen.

Here’s a helpful strategy…

Before getting on the scale, quantify 3 benefits or results of your healthy lifestyle so that all those benefits aren’t negated if/when the number on the scale isn’t the one you expected.

Quantify the non-scale victories.

One degree of change over time can completely overhaul your health.

If you need some support, start with the video here.