Stop Working So Hard If You Want to Lose Weight

Yes, I know that sounds counterproductive, but honestly, you may just be causing hormone imbalances by over stimulating the para-sympathetic nervous system.

Your body may be holding onto every ounce of fat because it thinks it’s in a crisis situation and you may need that fat to fight a sabre tooth tiger. We all know that we don’t fight sabre tooth tigers these days, but our bodies react to stress now the same way it did back in the days when survival was dependent on being able to mobilize energy for a fight!

Do yourself a favor and try some calming activities if stress is high. Things like yoga, walks in nature, playing with your pet, doing a puzzle, having a bubble bath – these things may do more for fat loss than a 90 minute workout!

Our body has the answers when we listen to it.
Be kind to yourself….

If you’re exhausted, you probably aren’t just being lazy…

If you’re tired …get more sleep.

If you’re hungry… eat more of the RIGHT types of foods.

If you’re feeling stressed …give yourself some TLC.

Stop working so hard. Start working smarter.

Put yourself in a position with structures of support…
✔surround yourself with like minded people…
✔do things differently by getting the direction you need…
✔get accountability so you don’t feel so alone…
✔nurture yourself…

I’m here for you if you don’t know where to start…

Start with this short video