How Many Rounds?

Need a great full body workout that you can do in 15 minutes? Here’s a great workout that includes jumping rope (or do a phantom skip with no rope), bench step ups, DB bent over row, push ups and squats. You’ll try to get 10 reps of each exercise and keep the rounds going for … Continued

Count Down to a New You: Full Body Workout

How many times have you found yourself in need of a quick and simple to follow workout? Here’s a great full body workout that you can do in your back yard, while you’re camping, in a hotel gym or anywhere you find yourself. If you don’t have a dumb bell for the one arm DB … Continued

24/7 Progress Report – Week One

Hi, Sara here! I’m Shawna’s client featured a few posts ago. I’m back, as promised, to keep you posted on my progress in her 24/7 Virtual Coaching program. If you’re curious about how I got started and what working with Shawna has been like for me so far, read the posts from my blog Amid … Continued

Down the Rack

I want to share one of my favorite workouts with you. I’ve done this workout with pushing muscles (bench press), pulling muscles (barbell dead lift) and for the lower body (bar bell squats). In fact, this is a pretty intense workout format that can be morphed into a variety of plans. I’ll fill you in … Continued

No Pull Up Bar? Great Alternatives

Lots of you don’t have a pull up bar, or if you do, you have trouble doing a pull up in the first place so you need some alternatives to back training. If you have access to a suspension trainer, like a TRX, or any kind of rope/ring set up, I have three great strengthening … Continued

5 Ways to Improve Your Pull Up

Its common place to hear talk about how much you can squat or bench. These are important strength lifts, but the pull up measures your strength to weight ratio better than almost any other exercise. You don’t often hear ‘how many pull ups can you do?’ One reason for this is because there is very … Continued

DB Back Training Exercises to Build Strength

Want to strengthen your back but only have the use of dumb bells? No problem. Check out the exercises in the following video for some great ways to strengthen your back. There’s no replacing a bar to do pull ups or even an Olympic bar in a squat rack that you can do inverted rows … Continued

Full Body Circuit Follow Along

Members, are you looking for a great at home workout? Here’s a compete follow along workout that my awesome super-trainer Krista took my boot campers through.  You can view the video while you’re exercising. You can see the exercises by scrolling under all the videos to a list. (If you need to, head over to … Continued