Exercise Tips for Women

If you’re going to exercise, you may as well do it right so I’ve compiled 17 exercise tips for women for you. These are simple tips that you can put into place right away. These exercise tips for women can also be applied to men, they’re just great ways to burn more fat and build … Continued

1000 Rep Workout

How high can you count? Well, you don’t really have to count up to 1000 for this workout. Basically, you’re going to take the list and get 100 reps of each the exercises listed. You can do any combination of reps: 10 x 10, 4 x 25, 5 x 20…what ever you can do. Start … Continued

Squats = Knee Pain?

Clients always are saying to me that they get knee pain when they squat. They tell me that they want to give up squatting, so my next question is ‘Will you give up going to the toilet?’ Squatting is one of those functional movements that you MUST be able to do if you want to … Continued

Workouts for Women

I’m going to be bold and say that I’m an expert on developing workouts for women. In fact, workouts for women are my specialty. Let me explain…. Obviously I’m a woman. In fact, I’m a woman in my late 40’s, (I have a hard time believing that myself) but given my age, I’ve had my … Continued

Metabolic Resistance Training

Here’s me and my pal and mentor, Craig Ballantyne. I’ve learned so much from him. He’s a great trainer and I love this Metabolic Resistance Training program. If you’re up for a real at home challenge, take a look at what Craig has to say…

Hill Challenge

First up on the challenge: find someone to take a picture of you, and maybe even you and your dog while you’re doing your hill sprints… This is how my workout came about. There are very few hot, hot days in my home town of Calgary, Alberta, so when the weather is nice, I try … Continued

Hill Sprint HIIT

First up: find someone to take a picture of you, and maybe even you and your dog while you’re doing your hill sprints…to make it extra fun, ensure that your children are close by. They’ll likely disown you and be totally horrified that you’d ask a total stranger to take your picture (when they won’t … Continued

Fat Loss Diets for Women

Fat loss diets for women are not as complicated as some would have you believe. In fact, there are only a few key principles that you need to keep in mind with fat loss diets for women to be successful in taking and keeping weight off. One key ingredient for success is to add daily … Continued

How Many Rounds?

Need a great full body workout that you can do in 15 minutes? Here’s a great workout that includes box jump burpees, pull ups, push ups and squats. You’ll try to get 10 reps of each exercise and keep the rounds going for the pre-determined time you set up (10, 12, 15, 20 minutes). The … Continued

Women’s Fat Loss workouts

Many of you are on the look out for women’s fat loss workouts. I have good news and bad news… I’ll start with the bad news: Women’s fat loss workouts are not easy or for the faint of heart. They’re going to make you sweat! You have to be consistent with them and using women’s … Continued